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Anyone read Voddie Baucham's book Family Driven Faith?

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My birthday present to myself was meeting Voddie personally at the CHEO convention in Akron...he even signed his book for me!


His message is one that, as a homeschool dad, I've been STARVING for...NONE of the other men I know 'get it' like Voddie does.


His book basically validated our habits and practices in our home since we had our first child.

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Okay, I loved it too and am going to ask DH to read it. He's not a reader, so I don't often ask!


Do any of y'all go to family-integrated churches like the one V.B. is a member of? What does that look like?



I liked what he said, but it seems to me that he thinks that no one except their own parents are acceptable teachers for children. Seems to me this ignores or belittles the role of the covenant community. I agree with all that he says about how parents need to teach their children how to think Biblically, but I think that there is an important role for other adults in teaching and leading children - especially when they hit the logic stage! Kids need to hear other adults say the same things their parents tell them!


Am I misreading the book or misunderstanding the author?

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I liked what he said, but it seems to me that he thinks that no one except their own parents are acceptable teachers for children. Seems to me this ignores or belittles the role of the covenant community. I agree with all that he says about how parents need to teach their children how to think Biblically, but I think that there is an important role for other adults in teaching and leading children - especially when they hit the logic stage! Kids need to hear other adults say the same things their parents tell them!


Am I misreading the book or misunderstanding the author?


I don't think you're misunderstanding. We agree with you there. Dh and I know our own faults and weaknesses; God forbid that we should be the ONLY teachers our children ever have. It seems to be a contradiction to teach "covenant community" and then say "no one but your parents are ever good enough to teach you anything".


I think if you're in a likeminded church where you can actually trust the teachers and elders, and know that they're teaching 'pretty much' the same things you would teach (but in a different way, perhaps, or just simply by showing likemindedness and community living and thinking and SUPPORT for what the parents are teaching), then you're on the right track. If you don't have that kind of likemindedness and trust within your church, then either you need to get out, or you need to do some heart-examination about sin in your own life and attitudes (i.e., nobody knows as much as I do). (See Phil. chapter 2)


I also don't think the reason kids leave the church when they're older is because they went to Sunday School. I think kids leave the church (most of the time, not always, obviously) because of either bad theology, or because of poor "living out" examples of what's being taught from the pulpit (either the church leadership, or their own parents). And if Sunday School had anything at all to do with the children's leaveing the church when they're older, then it's because they didn't learn anything because the curriculum was so dumbed down, or perhaps they were too busy watching Veggie Tales or something similar in place of BIBLE study during "Sunday School hour" or "children's worship hour" or whatever it is.


I know that sounds terribly harsh and I've probably stepped on some toes. But we've been around the block a few times with different churches and denominations, ministry organizations, etc., and we've seen it all. There are MANY different reasons why kids leave the church when they're older, but the mere fact of having Sunday School isn't one of them. (Now youth group, I'll leave that one for another thread. :glare: )

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I like what he has to say. I treat it like fish. I love salmon, I don't like bones. So I keep the meat and throw out the bones. I do not agree with everything he espouses. I don't disagree either. I think these things are family to family. We attend a family integrated church and began doing so after attending a conference. My children may not attend Sunday School, but they are most definitely learning from others as well. HTH.

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