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I am struck, today, by the losses and hardships

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Maybe because I'm fighting a cold and a visit from Aunt Flo all at the same time, but I feel tender today. The tears are hanging only just below eye level, but they have definitely welled up and over the confines of my heart. I see that many here have lost loved ones, many are suffering from pain or hurt, and there is much heaviness in our "community". Likewise, in my real life, I'm supporting a very dear friend whose marriage is breaking apart, a single mother who lives day-to-day for her severely premature baby, and parents whose age and health issues present new challenges at every turn.


So, to each of you, here is my wish that the coming days will be brighter, the burdens less difficult to carry, the pathways cleared, the wounds healed. Further, I hope that I can find ways to be of appropriate service to the need. For those of you here, please know that my heart is full with what you are experiencing right now, even though I can't call you to tell you that in person.


It seems odd, I suppose, that I would post this at all. But, I felt the need to manifest these feelings into real live "words" so that the energy can ripple out and, perchance, multiply.


Grace and peace to each of you...and I'm sorry for these hard times.

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Grace and peace to each of you...and I'm sorry for these hard times.



Your words are such a balm to my aching heart tonight. As are the thoughts, wishes and prayers of everyone who offered them to my early morning post and through email and private message.


To know that we, as women and mothers, have such a capacity to care, even for those we've not met, fills me with a great amount of comfort.


I know your thoughts are giving others peace tonight as well, and I thank you for your kindness to each of us.

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Let it out child.


I'd like to add that while I don't always post when someone needs prayer, it's not because I don't care, it's because I just don't know what to say.


I really do care.


I know that is the case for many of us, RM. Sometimes there are no words.

And yet, we know.

We feel loved.


Thank you.

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Maybe because I'm fighting a cold and a visit from Aunt Flo all at the same time, but I feel tender today. The tears are hanging only just below eye level, but they have definitely welled up and over the confines of my heart. I see that many here have lost loved ones, many are suffering from pain or hurt, and there is much heaviness in our "community". Likewise, in my real life, I'm supporting a very dear friend whose marriage is breaking apart, a single mother who lives day-to-day for her severely premature baby, and parents whose age and health issues present new challenges at every turn.


So, to each of you, here is my wish that the coming days will be brighter, the burdens less difficult to carry, the pathways cleared, the wounds healed. Further, I hope that I can find ways to be of appropriate service to the need. For those of you here, please know that my heart is full with what you are experiencing right now, even though I can't call you to tell you that in person.


It seems odd, I suppose, that I would post this at all. But, I felt the need to manifest these feelings into real live "words" so that the energy can ripple out and, perchance, multiply.


Grace and peace to each of you...and I'm sorry for these hard times.


And it has rained all day here in Hawaii in honor of it all. :angelsad2:





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Maybe because I'm fighting a cold and a visit from Aunt Flo all at the same time, but I feel tender today. The tears are hanging only just below eye level, but they have definitely welled up and over the confines of my heart. I see that many here have lost loved ones, many are suffering from pain or hurt, and there is much heaviness in our "community". Likewise, in my real life, I'm supporting a very dear friend whose marriage is breaking apart, a single mother who lives day-to-day for her severely premature baby, and parents whose age and health issues present new challenges at every turn.


So, to each of you, here is my wish that the coming days will be brighter, the burdens less difficult to carry, the pathways cleared, the wounds healed. Further, I hope that I can find ways to be of appropriate service to the need. For those of you here, please know that my heart is full with what you are experiencing right now, even though I can't call you to tell you that in person.


It seems odd, I suppose, that I would post this at all. But, I felt the need to manifest these feelings into real live "words" so that the energy can ripple out and, perchance, multiply.


Grace and peace to each of you...and I'm sorry for these hard times.


I don't think it seems odd at all- you are such a caring member of this community, and it does seem like there is a lot of pain and grief going around our boards right now, though I know realistically that life is always filled with pain, and that it is not bad, and if embraced, gives us the chance to fully enjoy the good in our lives as well. Thank you so much for thinking of everyone who is dealing with pain and stress. I will think good thoughts for the folks you mentioned in your real life, as well.


Thanks for sharing your love so graciously with all of us- we love you too.

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