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Requesting prayer for my mom

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Please pray for my mom. She has had heart problems since childhood as a result of rheumatic fever. She has atrial fibrillation -- erratic, rapid heartbeat -- which has been controlled with medication. However, she has been having several "episodes" lately.


Mama is a widow; my siblings and I all live 30 minutes to an hour from her. This week, we are on spring break and she has been visiting our family. She woke me up just before 5:00 this morning because she had been having another episode of rapid hearbeat (since about 2:30 AM) and felt like she was about to pass out, even while lying in bed. Dh & I drove her straight to the emergency room, where they gave her medication to slow the heart rate, and then observed her for several hours. Her doctor (who practices at a large hospital in a nearby city) says that the EKG indicates that she could experience a stroke if this continues to happen. He plans to change her medication and has scheduled her for an appointment for 3 weeks from today (not sure why the wait -- ???).


PLEASE, PLEASE pray for her! This is VERY scary. My dad died suddenly & unexpectedly of a heart attack in 2001, and Mama's health problems are causing some extreme fears for her and us!

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