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I have a killer headache. What to do?

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I get terrible headaches regularly and though most people love Excedrin, it makes me sick to my stomach. I usually take 4 ibuprofen and drink something with caffeine (which is basically what Excedrin is). Sometimes I will stretch my neck or have hubby rub it.


Hope you feel better soon!!! Headaches are the worst!

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Lisa, did I see on another thread that you had been out in the sun at ballgames all day? Did the heat get to you? Is it possible you are dehydrated? I wonder if just putting a cool washcloth to your forehead or back of neck would help, along with sitting or laying in a cool, dark place while the Advil has a chance to work.


Take care, and make sure someone in the family peeks in on you once in awhile.

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I get migraines and the only thing I have done that works it to take 2-3 ibuprofen every 20-30 mins until it is gone.


Not the best solution but it works for me. No insurance so can't go to the doctor. I only get them 2 or 3 times a year as well so not like I can go to the doctor when one happens. So....

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Get in a tub of warm water (enough to cover your legs) and splash on your arms and sit for awhile with an ice pack that you hold on your neck and head. The idea is to warm up your extremities to direct the blood flow downward to lesson the pressure on the veins in the head (migraine). Lower the lights (migraines can be light triggered). Try to relax and spend some quiet time in the tub until you feel the pain lessening. I've had LOTS of migraines and have learned that this is what works for me. :grouphug:

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I usually alternate Tylenol and Advil until it is gone. If you have only taken two Advil, I'd take two more. If things aren't completely better in an hour, take two Tylenol. At this point I'm getting some relief. If it's still there in 3 or 4 hours, take two more Advil. Etc.


I hope you feel better soon.

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Thank you all for taking the time to respond. I used a washcloth on my neck and fell asleep in a dark room. I woke up feeling fine.




I cannot believe some of you go through that often!


BridgeTea, you're right. I was at hot ball games all day. Nothing new. I'm ALWAYS at hot ball games all day. Sigh. I guess my body is saying enough is enough.


Misidawnrn, I am definitely going to remember that trick. I really could have used a quick fix. ;)


Thanks again. I appreciate your concern. :001_smile:

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