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I need help with my wheat order

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I ordered an insane amount of wheat incase of continued shortage LOL. I got hard red winter and soft white winter. I also bought nutritional yeast, regular yeast, steel cut oats, regular oats, whole wheat pizza crust( anyone have a recipe for wheat crust?), brown rice and seitan.

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I'm not Jean, but I store mine in 45 pound pails. This will be my third year of ordering grain in bulk, so I have quite a few pails. In fact, this year I'll buy all of my grain in bags and transfer it from bags to buckets (it's cheaper this way, and now I have plenty of buckets, so it's no problem.)


I close them up with Gamma Seals (easier than prying open the standard lids) and stick oxygen packets inside. My grain stays fresh all year.

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What are these? Do the grains stay fresher because they are not already ground?




Yes, the grains do stay fresher before being ground. Once wheat berries are ground, the flour oxidizes (turns rancid) at a very fast rate, so you lose a lot of the nutrients.


These are the oxygen absorbing packets. They keep the grains fresher while they're being stored.

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