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Subtraction facts?


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Ok so my ds started SM 2a today. I went over all addition facts to 20 with him and he has those all pretty much down without counting. He also understands place value. His subtraction facts are a bit harder for him. I really want him to have them down before we get into Multiply/divide. Any fun ideas to help him memorize subtraction facts.

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Ok so my ds started SM 2a today. I went over all addition facts to 20 with him and he has those all pretty much down without counting. He also understands place value. His subtraction facts are a bit harder for him. I really want him to have them down before we get into Multiply/divide. Any fun ideas to help him memorize subtraction facts.

I started my two on CLE math in Jan. At the time they were both a bit rusty with both addition and sub. Built in the daily lesson is a timed drill of either add., sub,or when they get there mult. or div. They do about 28 problems in 1 or 2 min. depending on the level. My two know their facts now. That really helped them get them seated and to stop. I think it was the beat the clock thing. :001_smile:

I know I have seen places where you can print math fact from on line. Maybe if you printed a page for him every day and timed him? it would help. There is also flash cards but one of mine HATES them so we just avoid them when possible.

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Well, I have to say that my dd8 is what I call a "lightbulb" learner. We stopped formal math for a couple of months to get the addition facts down. We worked and worked and worked. When she had those down cold, we moved on (we were using MUS exclusively at the time). When we finally moved on to subtraction, it was like a no brainer for her. She knew the addition so well, (and simple algebra from MUS)that she could see the relationships between the numbers and easily do the subtraction. She would look at a set of numbers and figure out which number was missing.


Not sure if that helps any.



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We have been doing subtraction facts as well lately. Favorite strategies have included: (1) boys hide behind the couch, Mom calls out a question, they jump up screaming the answer; and (2) going outside, writing a number line in chalk on the pavement, and then jumping to the correct answer.

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