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Loop related -


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Someone asked if I had a loop for myself, that got in my head. Why are my kid's balanced and having all the fun, while I feel like I'm chasing my tail, not with homeschooling, but trying to balance all my hats throughout the day? So I made myself a schedule. I put on it things I have to do, but also things that make me feel good and usually get forgotten about or squeezed out. I'm taking care of mama this year!

Mind sharing more details.....



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Thank you! :D


And just a quick question: with 3 boys, if I had 3 "chores" for our morning loop - kid 1 would do the first thing on Monday, but on Tuesday, he would be on item 2, and on Wednesday, he would do item 3, and then Thursday he would loop back to item 1?


In other words, Monday, ds#1 might be the breakfast helper while ds#2 is wiping bathroom counters and ds#3 is helping with laundry. Then on Tuesday, ds#1 would wipe down maybe the kitchen counters, ds#2 would help with getting laundry going/switched, and ds#3 would be breakfast helper?


I'm thinking this summer is a great time to try this out - not only looping school, but looping all the other things I always *want* to accomplish but never get around to actually doing. :)

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I think that makes sense. So, you have a "helper" spot for each kid (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and then three other chores during that block of time that get rotated? So, everyone has a morning chore (plus one kiddo is breakfast helper), everyone has a mid-day chore, and everyone has an evening chore, and those rotate so no one is doing the same thing every day? (Sorry for asking more questions. I'm playing with it all in my mind using what you posted and inserting my kids, seeing how it works. So, I'm asking you questions, but am also using the questions to ask myself in my head, if that makes sense and doesn't make me sound too loopy!)


Dh and I were working on our academic loop schedule today (I'm having him help because he's home for the summer so this will directly involve him for 7 more weeks, and because I want to make sure he's okay with what is non-looped [math, phonics and Latin] and how the other subjects are being looped). I'm realizing though that things I take for granted (for instance, being comfortable skipping a week or two of WWE for each older boy and doing all the same activities through history or science to shorten our days) don't necessarily make any intuitive sense to dh, so I'm having to explain a lot while also explaining and digesting the loop schedule. LOL


And maybe I should make a new thread completely, but I thought I'd throw the question out here first ... I have a working loop schedule for subjects right now, but with 2 school aged boys and a PreK'er who loves time with me, and who needs some good preschooly interaction with mom, should I then insert individual boys' into the subject loop - for instance, on some subjects, we do them together, but others are by grade level/ability level. So, should the loop get more specific during those times as to who is working independently on something and who is working with mom?

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Oh, love this Michele! Great ideas everyone! I especially like the kitchen helper changing each meal... I used to do a kitchen helper for each day, but then that child always got drug away from his/her play to help in the kitchen. Changing each meal would be great though! I could have a snack helper and that would hit all the kids in a day... oh, the brain power here! Gotta love it! :hurray:

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Thank you for your patience with my questions Michele! I get the chores now completely and really like the idea. :) I'm also going to sit with dh today (if we get any time to talk ... every time we start, one of the boys needs something!) and make a loop for each boy.


I can see this definitely helping me make sure my PreK'er gets time with me as usually he's fitted in somewhere, and though he goes with the flow pretty well, he deserves more directed time than he gets sometimes. I'm also excited because I think we'll actually do history, science, and art on a regular basis.


The biggest unknown right now is my energy levels once dh goes back to work in late August - but we only have have ten weeks of school scheduled between the beginning of September and our Thanksgiving/having a baby/Christmas break. Then the unknown will the be baby itself, but if I can somehow manage to homeschool with ds#3 (or at least when he was a baby), I think I can homeschool through just about anything. :lol:

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