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Need some logic suggestions, please


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My 9 yr old could use some help with logic, but I'm not sure where to look for what I need. She has trouble with inferences & drawing conclusions. For example, if I give her something like, "Katie is afraid of dogs. Mrs. Smith has a poodle." She'll give me a big long story about how Katie was bitten by a dog walking home from school, and Mrs. Smith's poodle is really nice, so Katie isn't afraid of it. LOL! Which is great for creativity, but I want her to understand how to work these out.


I couldn't find anything with Critical Thinking that had these types of problems. Anyone know where I can find a workbook with this type of logic in it?




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Yes indeed, the Orbiting with Logic series is a terrific introduction to all kinds of logic. The Critical Thinking series, A Case of Red Herrings does deal with inferences and conclusions, but I liked the Orbiting series much better over all. It's cheaper, too.


Don't forget that logical thinking develops with age and the maturity of the mind. What your 9 year old may not grasp at the moment she will see as very obvious (and logical) when she is 13 or so. By that age she will also be applying logic in her arguments with you, so careful what you teach! (Tongue planted firmly in cheek there...)

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By that age she will also be applying logic in her arguments with you, so careful what you teach! (Tongue planted firmly in cheek there...)


LOL! I guess that will keep me on my feet, huh?


Thanks to both of you for the recommendations, I hadn't heard of the Orbiting with Logic series before. We'll definitely give it a try, and if it's cheaper than Critical Thinking, that's even better :)

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Check out Reading Detective. I've gotten the CDs and the kids work them on the computer and they really enjoy them. This works on reading a passage, answering questions, and showing which sentences prove your answer! So this does give the whys!



We love Reading Detectives. Not only is it good for Comprehension, but very good for inferring and thinking things through since the questions ask the reader to draw logical conclusions.

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