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I have been teaching A Beka English (9-12) in private schools for almost 20 years. I LOVE it, but I also make it my own. Their methodology is great, the layout and organization of the units is cohesive and easy to follow. I definitely don't do every question, but I think with both Bob Jones and A Beka, the number of comprehension/analysis questions is too heavy (I have also taught 3 years of Bob Jones - 2 years as a new teacher, and this year, filling in for lack of staffing in the junior high classroom). I far and away prefer A Beka for my teaching style, and it is easily adaptable for various learning styles. I love the focus on spelling and vocabulary all the way through and the emphasis on Greek/Latin roots it includes. I dislike that Bob Jones drops so much of that early on in their curriculum. Also, I have found far more errors in planning/scope & sequence in the Bob Jones than I have ever seen in all my years with A Beka.

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Depending on the age of the dc: BJUP for older dc, ABeka for dc just learning to read. BJUP's elementary science is too much; I like ABeka's better. But BJUP history I much prefer--much more engagingly written, more variety of end-of-chapter reviews and whatnot. ABeka beats grammar to death every.single.year, while BJUP does more comp, less grammar each year, which is as it should be. High school it choices are better. And ABeka groups things together weirdly, like spelling and....poetry? Wut? Academically, both are good, but just overall, I prefer BJUP.

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