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How do you do your assignment checklists for each child?


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I want to find something premade instead of writing it up every day! I need something flexible though since we do things differently everyday (ie-might do a map for TOG one day, but timeline figure the next day, etc.)


Note: I know I won't do things online every day, like HST.

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This is what I used last year. Each student had one with the subjects listed on the left and assignments in each box. As they completed the assignments they placed a check mark in the top right corner of each box. I haven't decided if I am going to use this for this year or something different since we are implementing the workbox system. They also have it in Doc format so you can type it up on the computer and then print it out.

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Here's what I use, for a dragon-loving DC. I have several days worth laminated, and write on them with a wet-erase marker as to the task and where the materials are (usually in a drawer of our workboxes, but sometimes not if it's too big). My DD checks off the card with a different color when we're finished with it, and I record what we did on an Excel spreadsheet before I erase the cards.

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I made my own using tables in a word processing program. It is cheap, easy and you can customize it for your own school and subjects. Then I can print and the girls check off what they've done. I keep a copy of it running in the background in my computer and as we go along I 'gray' out the boxes.

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Yes, Donna Young's is great because you personalize it, save it on your computer and print it as you need it. Very easy and professional. It is easy for the kids too. I print one a week for each of the 4 children. They check off their work as they do it and on the back we list library books read or experiences that were not planned.

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I type up my assignment checklists (and chore charts) in Excel or Word, print them, and then insert them into Communicator Clearboards. I use one color for each boy and they just use dry erase markers to cross off assignments/chores when they are done.


Works great! I love that I can just print new sheets and insert them into the plastic protector when I need to update the checklists.


HTH! :)

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