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Am I the only freak that's going to see Eclipse tonight???

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Okay ~ for those of us who didn't go to midnight showings, can you early birds put a sock in it? :tongue_smilie:


Pretty please? with sparkles on top? ;)



Okay okay - chatter. But hey ~ NO SPOILERS. or I'm sending my attack cats. :w00t:


Lol! That's the whole reason I checked in this morning; I wanted to see if all goers dutifully posted their reviews.:tongue_smilie:


Last night I had a dream that I hadn't counted correctly and was one ticket short - mine. It was awful. Talk about being a loser...:rolleyes:

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Dh went to a Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse triple feature with me. It was really fun. The swooning girls were very entertaining. Dh actually seemed to thoroughly enjoy himself too, though I doubt he would admit to that.


I think Rosalie's appearances are finally closer to what they should be, and I was glad to see Edward finally acting like a controlling jerk like he does in the books.

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Just got back from my 12 noon viewing. I loved hearing the swooning girls during the proposal scene!


All in all, I actually liked the first two better. Something about this one didn't grab me. What I liked about the first two is that the story was about Bella falling in love. In Twilight, Bella falls in love with Edward. In New Moon, Bella falls in love with Jacob. The action scenes were sort of an afterthought. You went through almost all of the movie in Twilight and New Moon before there was any thought of action.


This movie felt (to me) mostly about the threat, preparation to fight, and the action itself. It wasn't as much about relationships as much as the first two were. Yes, it was about the relationships, but I felt that they took a backseat to the threat of the newborns.


I guess my big ol' sappy self just wanted more sap and less action. My favorite scene was the proposal scene and when (spoiler so I won't say. Just the scene when Jacob is about to join the fight.)


And I didn't like the music as much. In the first two movies I adored all the music they played. If I had liked the music, I probably would have liked the movie better. I normally don't care either way about music, but the music in the first two fit the setting and mood so well. The music in this one didn't do anything for me. I didn't even notice it. In the first two movies, I noticed the music and it set the tone. In this movie, it was just background noise.


There's my long review and take on the movie! I'm sure I'll go see it again, regardless of the fact that I liked it least of the three. It was still fun! And Jasper's hair wasn't so goofy. That was a big improvement.

Edited by Garga
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All in all, I actually liked the first two better. Something about this one didn't grab me. What I liked about the first two is that the story was about Bella falling in love. In Twilight, Bella falls in love with Edward. In New Moon, Bella falls in love with Jacob. The action scenes were sort of an afterthought. You went through almost all of the movie in Twilight and New Moon before there was any thought of action.



I just got back, too, and I have to say I agree. In this one, the relationships really didn't come through for me the way they did in the first two, and I thought they were more intense in the third book - a little disappointed about that. What I loved about this book were the descriptions about the Cullens' human lives...I think they missed the boat on that one, for sure.


I liked it, to be certain, just not as much as the first two. But I'm sure I'll see it again before it's out of theaters :tongue_smilie:.

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I just got back, too, and I have to say I agree. In this one, the relationships really didn't come through for me the way they did in the first two, and I thought they were more intense in the third book - a little disappointed about that. What I loved about this book were the descriptions about the Cullens' human lives...I think they missed the boat on that one, for sure.


I liked it, to be certain, just not as much as the first two. But I'm sure I'll see it again before it's out of theaters :tongue_smilie:.


Yup--I agree with your take on it. I, too, was looking forward to seeing more about the Cullen's pre-vampire lives.


I'm sure that I'll also see it again before it's out of theaters. Just not four times like I did with New Moon. Probably only one more time. And I'll still sign up to get my copy of the DVD the day it comes out. :D

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I'm definitely going to see it but the movies SO do not measure up to the books for me. The actors are not good and don't look right. The only one that looks and acts almost right is Jacob. If I didn't know the books I would certainly be Team Jacob. Edward is practically "yucky" compared to the Edward in my head. :). (as if this matters! LOL)


Oh, in answer to why these teams even though we know the ends of the books; it's about who YOU would choose.


Team Edward in the books.

Team Jacob for looks and acting in the movies.

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Dd13 and I went to the early show tonight and we both loved it. :D


There were some changes we didn't really care for, and there were some scenes that weren't included that we thought should be, but overall? :thumbup:


And we are both very Team Edward. :cool:

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And I didn't like the music as much. In the first two movies I adored all the music they played. If I had liked the music, I probably would have liked the movie better. I normally don't care either way about music, but the music in the first two fit the setting and mood so well. The music in this one didn't do anything for me. I didn't even notice it. In the first two movies, I noticed the music and it set the tone. In this movie, it was just background noise.




I did comment to dd13 on the way home that the music wasn't as 'strong' - with Twilight & New Moon, we can listen to the soundtracks and match every song/instrumental with its scene. I don't think it'll be quite as easy with this one...


Still loved it though. :D

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