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summer activities for 14 year old girl

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My oldest needs some activities this summer. She does not like crafts of any sort. It is amazingly hot here, so most outside activities, like bike riding, skating, etc., are not a great idea. She can only spend so much time swimming.


My youngest started a quilt, has a puzzle going, still likes dolls and doll houses, loves most crafts, and likes to read. Her problem is finding time to all the things she wants to do.


I'm at a loss for my oldest. Ideas please???

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Could she get a summer job? With the public schools out, a lot of people are in need of summer babysitters... or depending on your area, sometimes 14 year olds can get hired on as cashiers at grocery stores, Walmart,fast food places...ice cream bars... that sorta thing.


Just thinking of that because it would give her something to do that also made her some money...which teens tend to really like having. :laugh:

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I have a daughter who's musical, so music gets a lot of shift during the summer in my house. She fiddles around on the piano (her main instrument is guitar) making up songs. Does your daughter know how to play an instrument? Does she want to learn? Easy and cheap options are recorder or Irish tin/penny whistle (if you don't have a piano). You can get easy teach yourself books.


There's also cooking/baking. Have her make dinner one night a week. Or you could teach her to make bread (very time consuming and waiting for the bread to rise could be done during swimming :lol:). Have her make cookies or brownies once a week.


Jobs for teenagers this summer are very hard to find. I volunteer at a hospital and lots of teenagers are volunteering this summer! My oldest daughter is volunteering in a nursing home (she's thinking of going into geriatrics). So volunteering is a good option too.

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Maybe she could do some volunteer work? At an animal shelter, an old age home, a soup kitchen, or something like that.


Maybe she could look for a babysitting job or some such.


Is there any sort of class she's been wanting to take but never had time for? Music lessons, karate lessons, a cooking class, something like that? Our local "Council for the Arts" does art classes... I know you said she's not into crafts, but they offer all sorts of neat classes- pottery, "art to eat," drawing and painting, theater and drama, and so on.


My local library usually has teen programs and summer reading programs and stuff like that.


She could write a novel :) Or start a blog. Or make a video journal. Or practice her photograph and make "day in the life of" photo journals.


Many movie theaters have free summer movies. Many bowling alleys have cheap summer bowling.


She could compare books and movies by renting the movie and borrowing the book from the library.


Maybe she could get a penpal to correspond with.

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