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In your opinion what is the BEST writing program and WHY


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I have two struggling writers with bad experience and no motivation. They are 12yo and soon to be 9yo. I also have 2 DSs plus one on the way to think about long term. We have settled on write source for a K intro to writing but want to figure out a scope and what to do for the girls. I am a lover of writing myself and want to pass on the love and value in learning to write but I also want something pretty rigorous and meaty that will give them the tools they need long term to excel in writing.


Programs I would love to hear about are:


IEW - I am the most interested in this one

Writing strands - we have 3 of these books but DSDs HATE them and they are not retaining anything :(

Write Source - DH fell in love with the inviting setup of these but I am not sure how complete they are as the grade go up


I just sold all my WWE books and the kids just loathed them :tongue_smilie:

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I think the best writing program is the one that gets done! There is no ONE best writing program. It needs to fit your teaching style/philosophy and your child's learning style.


:iagree: That is what I was going to say. I am hoping that will be Meaningful Composition 4+ for us next year.



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And the best writing program will be different for different ages.


I really like WWE for my grammar stage kids. It's easy to get done every day. It's laid out for me. THere is no prep work. If all heck breaks lose, we can still get WWE done. We discuss sentence structure, grammar, and it introduces us to literature we might not have otherwise known about.


Like I said...it gets done. ANd with very little spelling besides some SWR, all of a sudden, my 4th graders spelling as really taken off as well as punctuation.


The only other time we consistently got writing done was when I shelled out the big bucks for 3 Bravewriter classes back to back.


So this summer, I'm writing our writing plan for the Fall to ensure it gets done.

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I think the one that works for you! ;)


I have a VERY reluctant writer (just turned 12 yr old ds).


I have used SL la, WWE and this year I tried IEW. This was the first year that I got anything out of him!! I really like IEW. He did so much better with it. I liked the idea of WWE but starting so late it just did not work for him. I may have had better luck if I had started early but I didn't!


I want to spend more time learning the IEW approach this summer. I did get a bit overwhelmed with everything this year. I feel like I have so much to figure out still. There is a lot to it, but as long as it works, I am willing to keep at it. :D

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I think the one that works for you! ;)


I have a VERY reluctant writer (just turned 12 yr old ds).


I have used SL la, WWE and this year I tried IEW. This was the first year that I got anything out of him!! I really like IEW. He did so much better with it. I liked the idea of WWE but starting so late it just did not work for him. I may have had better luck if I had started early but I didn't!


I want to spend more time learning the IEW approach this summer. I did get a bit overwhelmed with everything this year. I feel like I have so much to figure out still. There is a lot to it, but as long as it works, I am willing to keep at it. :D



what about IEW is working for you the best? I am really considering IEW for my 12yo but I don't want to sink a small fortune into it just to have another thing she hates sitting here.

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We're not the biggest fan of WWE, but I plan to keep going with it. My daughter loves to write, so we're just starting Write Source this summer. I've been really looking into writing programs and Write Source appealed to us the most. So far we like it, although we're just starting with the easiest level of course. Give us a few months and I'll be able to say whether we think it's great or not.

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