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You've got to be kidding me!!! ANOTHER tornado warning????

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Really??? I really do like storms. Tornado warnings are actually kind of fun - going in the basement and hanging out for a while. I like it! But, most of my family isn't home right now and that makes me really scared!!! They're at the local gym helping with a friend's second degree black belt testing. Dh just went to see if he could bring them home. Ugh.

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I hate tornado warnings. I hate storms in general LOL. The lightning down here in Florida is just wicked. I always get nervous when a tornado warning comes up. If I had a basement to get in, I think I'd feel much better. But down here in flat land, we don't have basements LOL.

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Jennifer - You must be near me in Michigan - I just got out of the basement and back on the computer as the storms just passed over me. Second weekend in a row for the tornado warnings. Last weekend we lost the power for 24 hours so I am just hoping that we don't have a repeat this weekend.



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Can I just say that I am REALLY ready to NOT be under some sort of severe weather watch or warning on the weekend?? This past month has been ridiculous. Here's to a few showers (not downpours and wind!) in July.


Signing off from somewhere north of the middle of your wrist :D.

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I think the new activation has the sirens going off for high winds so that might be part of the confusion too. :)


In our area they didn't start the sirens until it was too late. North of us the campground devestation was awful. I am so sorry for the gentleman who died last night. They didn't have any warning.

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There have been more than usual warnings here also (about 25 miles south of the islands/coast).

I understand just what you mean about enjoying a good storm and the hanging out. I lived through an F4 as a kid- hit our house- and those nasty greyish green skies set my stomach to churning.

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I was in Iowa last week and missed all the excitement here in Michigan! We had three different nights when severe storms passed over us and it was very disconcerting not to have a basement to get into, but the tornado sirens never went off. I understand there did here at home which is very unusual for West Michigan.


Yesterday we fully expected to be driving home in rain all day, but we never saw a drop.


There's no place like home.

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