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Pros and Cons of Math U See?


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We used it for 2 years, didn't prefer it, but have loved Rightstart. I prefer the abacus strongly to the colored blocks of MUS. I think RS is more conceptually based. And I think kids test well with it bc/ it uses a normal sequence, if not better due to the conceptual focus and mental math aspects. But, that is just my opinion. Many love MUS. My older girls are not mathy and RS plus Math Mammoth have been so much fun here lately! I also love the looks of MEP, which is totally free online, but haven't used it yet.

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*Great for kids who have a hard time understanding math

*Non-cluttered sheets

*Cumulative review in every lesson

*DVD's are nice

*somewhat conceptual in nature

*tougher concepts can be introduced at younger ages because of how it is presented

*mastery curriculum for those who learn better with mastery

*drill and worksheet generator online


Cons: (in my opinion)


*the format never changes so can become boring

*word problems do not require much thinking (pretty easy to plug in numbers)

*the sequence is radically different from other math curriculum

*measurement and shapes are not covered in much depth in early years

*I did not like the way clocks were taught

*upper levels are said to not be as challenging as other curriculum

*my personal feeling: I didn't feel like the "depth" was there... it teaches somewhat conceptually, but only to a certain level... like I said, it doesn't require my kids to really **think** about how to use the skills they are learning. They can do the straight out problems for the most part, but when asked to take those base building blocks and use them to solve a more difficult problem... they can't.


We used MUS the past 2 years. We are just starting to transition over to Math Mammoth. There are many reasons for this, but I am very happy so far. I do love MUS and I think it's a good curriculum, however there are some things I'd like my kids to be exposed to and MUS is just not getting us far enough there.


Good luck figuring your math out! You'll find LOTS of different opinions here! Bottom line is just go with your gut! :D

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*Great for kids who have a hard time understanding math

*Non-cluttered sheets

*Cumulative review in every lesson

*DVD's are nice

*somewhat conceptual in nature

*tougher concepts can be introduced at younger ages because of how it is presented

*mastery curriculum for those who learn better with mastery

*drill and worksheet generator online


Cons: (in my opinion)


*the format never changes so can become boring

*word problems do not require much thinking (pretty easy to plug in numbers)

*the sequence is radically different from other math curriculum

*measurement and shapes are not covered in much depth in early years

*I did not like the way clocks were taught

*upper levels are said to not be as challenging as other curriculum

*my personal feeling: I didn't feel like the "depth" was there... it teaches somewhat conceptually, but only to a certain level... like I said, it doesn't require my kids to really **think** about how to use the skills they are learning. They can do the straight out problems for the most part, but when asked to take those base building blocks and use them to solve a more difficult problem... they can't.

:iagree: with all of this.



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We've used MUS for 7 years (Alpha through Zeta) and we are continuing on with Pre-Algebra this upcoming school year. I use it for all 3 of my kids and have found it to be effective w/their different learning styles.


MUS is all about mastery, for instance my dd finished Delta level this year and it was division, division, and more division. She knows her division PTL! ;) MUS definitely drives a deep "tap root" in the area of math it is covering that year. In addition, Mr. Demme on the accompanying DVD explains the concepts in a very clear way and answers the "why do we do it that way" thought that some children may have. Also, Mr. Demme is a mathematician and homeschool dad which I feel is a plus.


However the down side is MUS doesn't always do enough review of past concepts. I've found my oldest child needs more review so my solution has been to do an additional page of math from a curriculum that is more on the "mile wide, inch deep" end of the spectrum. I use a grade level BJU math text and they are readily available second hand. I'll have him choose either the even or odd problems on the page. It has proved to be a big help: he scored PHS on his SAT 10 this year in Math Procedures. So that is what has worked for us.


There is an excellent website called www.homeschoolmath.net which has curriculum reviews. It is run by a homeschool mom from Europe who has a PhD in mathematics. She also happens to be the author of Math Mammoth, another great choice that was mentioned by someone in a previous post.


Blessings and HTH!

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