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Need ideas- games for 2yo dd

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I've gotten into kind of a rut with my dd. She just turned two, and she's developmentally delayed due to a genetic disorder. Not badly delayed, but she's behind with her speech and walking. Anyway, I spend so much time trying to encourage her to speak more and the like that I can't think of anything to do with her that's just fun, with no subliminal learning. :P


Any ideas? She operates at the level of about an 18 month old right now, so anything that requires her to do a lot of speaking or any running is out. Thanks!

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DD played with dishes, dolls, a toy bottle for the baby, clap to fun music, a bowl of water on a plastic tablecloth and toys if you can't get outside and want something different than a bath.(you can wash the floor when you are done.) She can color and you can cut out hearts from the coloring and make cards. Tower blocks are fun to do together. I don't remember exact ages really. I know we went to the park every day. I loved being in the city when the kids were little. I think they like to toddle around and be cute!

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

-Building tower blocks out of the nesting blocks or the Mega Legos are fun, and it is also helping motor skills.

-Take a bucket of water and scoop out into bowls or measuring cups.

-Make homemade play-do (edible kind for us) and create together.

-Dance and sing Silly nursery Rhymes


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My dd2 is developmentally delayed due to institutionalization--we recently adopted her from China. Here are two book suggestions:






Also, here's a link to a free online curriculum that I'm going to use with my dd this upcoming school year:



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