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Update to prev thread: Help me think this through:surgery vs. not, instinct vs. fear

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Well I had the follow up appointment with the first neurosurgeon I saw 3mths ago again today. I had pretty much surrendered to the idea of having the laminectomy and just wanted to go over some details and then schedule the surgery.


I went in and he said "since the injections aren't working, it is time to talk about the diskectomy and fusing or replacing your disk with an artificial one. HUH? He had changed his mind, and has decided that the laminectomy isn't going to help me and that I needed to decided if I wanted to do a fusion or artificial disk. I questioned him for about 15 minutes. He says that if I can find anything that will get me out of pain, to do it, but to not expect much. He really thinks that I would be well served by an artificial disk. I asked questions about the not so favorable possibilities of surgery and he pretty much said 'cross that bridge when we come to it'.




DH and I have talked and I am going to start researching doctors in other areas and probably travel this summer to see one of them. I am going back to work soon and just see how long I last. I understand his point, but now I have two well regarded doctors saying that they want to do two Very different procedures on me. What a mess.....



Oh, and just to add more confusion, I can't start with the lesser evil (the laminectomy) and work up from there because he really feels that the scaring from the procedure will create worse problems for me in the future by pressing on a nerve permanently. Neurosurgeon #2 says he doesn't think that is going to happen so he wants to start there......I don't know who is the more 'correct' or if either of them are.



Any ideas on how to figure out who is the best spinal neurosurgeon in the nation right now?

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My SIL has been through all of this and 12 operations later including a laminectomy, diskectomy, disc fusion and disc replacement to name but a few of her procedures her back is stuffed and she has a morphine pump.


Each time she went with the first step option, the easier recovery time, the less intrusive, lets do this and we have another option if it doesn't work. Some of her procedures were done laprascopically (sp) and others full open back. She has seen 4 surgeons who have all given different opinions on her position. Scar tissue is now a major issue for her. She also has leaking spinal fluid which causes problems with bladder control once a year or so which results in another hospital admission and drainage. She does not manage her injury at all.


To be perfectly honest i would be asking for the best long term solution option. Not a stepping stone option. What is going to fix your problem for good and not what could very well be a temporary measure. Quality of life without pain or limitation is so very important.


My Dad had a discectomy and laminectory (2 effected discs one ontop of the other) about 18 years ago now. He has occasional pain from 'doing the wrong thing' and that has him laid up in bed for a couple of days. But by occasional i am talking once every couple of years. He is very careful with lifting, turning etc.


With each of your consults i would be asking why they feel that procedure is the best solution for you. Hopefully you can find 2 Dr's who say the same thing, then you know you are on a winner. Good luck.

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:( I'm so sorry. I have a lot of stress dealing with serious medical issues regarding my paralyzed CAT, so I can only imagine how stressed YOU must be now! It is such a scary feeling when you realize that the medical community, who have their expensive education and impressive titles, really DON'T have all the answers.... I hope you find someone good who understands both of these doctors' positions, and can therefore give advice that takes everything into account.


Please keep us updated!

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