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Horrible Science magazines vs Horrible Science books


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I'm debating whether it's better to buy the Horrible Science magazines or the Horrible Science books (I'm thinking of the Bulging Box of Books set). I'm guessing you don't need to buy both so my question is: How do the HS magazines compare to the HS books? Can someone help me decide.


Thanks in advance.

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I have both and my daughter reports that the books are better for kids who like to read more; as in more length and more information. She says the mags are great for kids who like more colour and a shorter, comic book or graphic novel like format.

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Where are you getting these? I have some of the books I got used but would love to get more.




Are you asking about the HS books or HS magazines? I'm in Australia, so I'll be using eBay to buy the magazines (used) or try and wait patiently until Book Depository have the Bulging Box of Books back in stock. It's cheaper for me to buy in bulk due to shipping:).

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I have just bought the complete set of magazines together with timelines from ebay for ds for his 7th birthday. He loves them, absolutely adores them. They are great for just picking up and putting down. He has learnt a lot and I will incorporate them into our history studies. Although he reads well the books are too much for him to read on his own but we have several and I will get the others from the library. I think they are 2 very different things.

We also have some of the horrible science mags from ebay and they are great too.


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We also have some of the horrible science mags from ebay and they are great too.


StephanieF & cschnee, could you please share whether the horrible science magazines are similar content wise as the books, ie, is it too much to buy both. Also, if I purchase the used magazines from eBay, do I need to purchase them with the free gifts, cards, etc that come with the magazines?

Much thanks.

Edited by IgglePiggle
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The books have more info, the mags are more visually captivating (eye candy). We have all the books and one set of magazines... my kids enjoy both.


Books will hold up better. Books have more content.


Mags are more colorful.


Your decision.


I am glad that I have both. :D

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StephanieF & cschnee, could you please share whether the horrible science magazines are similar content wise as the books, ie, is it too much to buy both. Also, if I purchase the used magazines from eBay, do I need to purchase them with the free gifts, cards, etc that come with the magazines?

Much thanks.



The add-ons are cute, but not necessary. I like the index card things, but my life would not fall apart w/o them. The other "stuff" is much like scholastic trinkets... not a big deal, cheap and funny. Nothing to write home about.

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