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Ipad for School?

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I just recently heard about schools starting to issue Ipads their students. So far I don't see that many apps that would be useful for school. Maybe I am missing something or my kids are the wrong ages. Are there any apps that you would recommend for a 7th and 10th grader.

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Our local, rural school recently got a grant of around $45,000 thanks to the stimulus package. They bought a bunch of I-touches:glare:. Now, I think I personally have more books than the elmentary and high school libraries, their graduates cannot read, there is no auditorium for school plays/performances, but darn it they NEEDED those I-touches!


I bet if they would have waited 6 monthes they would have purchased I-pads. Barf! Soooo glad my tax money goes toward that. Meh:glare:.

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