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The Snack Stealers

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Hmmmm, I have 5 kids. Oldest is 18yo and youngest is 7yo. I have 2 Snack Stealers... I'm sure their is a nicer term. Sweet tooths? Cupboard Searchers?


Anyway, I wonder how you all deal with this problem. This is ongoing. The biggest problem child has always been my 13yo dd. My 18yod also does this but not as much as the 13yo. I would say when we have snacks around, the 13yo steals almost daily. She has eaten 2 bags of marshmallows a little at a time (bought for smores) over the past month, dipped her finger in the sugar bowl, taken brownies or cookies out of wrapped packages, ice cream bars, etc. The biggest problem is the snack cupboard. I keep fruit snacks, granola bars and the like onhand for co op day lunches, long errand trips in the van and for my 18yodd who works and my dh's lunches. I also have what we call an "A+" candy bar box where I try to keep it stocked with 50cent candy bars and it is accessible after meals and snack times if the kids turn in their "coupons" that I make for them if they get an A on a test or a paper, etc. The kids love these coupons and they know they can turn them in after every meal except breakfast and evenings, etc.



Btw, we are a 3 meals a day and 2 snacks kind of family. Fresh fruit and/or vegetables are available during daylight hours just by asking (at a reasonable time, i.e. don't ask right after you didn't eat your breakfast or in the middle of math flashcard review.) lol


She has improved in that she will ADMIT to taking them. But this has been a year or so in the habit getting worse and worse. Daughter seems remorseful but unable to stop herself. I have been encouraging her to come to me when she is tempted so I can pray with her (and applaud her honesty, asking for help.)


My husband heard a noise a few nights ago and got up to find her in the snack cupboard in the kitchen getting a candy bar. I didn't even imagine that anything was going on late at night tho I have often found wrappers under her bed, in her dresser, and closet, etc. I thought she was just going to her room to eat the snacks.


Btw, so far I have been charging her for the snack she takes. And I have had her tested for diabetes and low blood sugar issues, etc. She is average sized, on the slim side if anything. She has no health issues, she is in early puberty, but this started before that.


I am thinking of getting a locking container? Of course, I really don't want to. Nor will I enjoy managing one more thing. And it is hard for me because I have been parenting for 18 years and it seems odd that just now, after all these years this problem is cropping up....


Thanks- 13yod is a dear child and for the most part, i think she wants to stop.



Edited by 74Heaven
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I have heard of parents putting all the snacks in individual bags for each child. For instance, if a package contains 10 granola bars, every kid gets 2 bars in their bags for the week; they get whatever their quota of snacks for the week in their bags. They are permitted to eat whatever they want whenever they want it, but once it is gone that is it. They have to eat the healthy snacks mom provides instead.


Really, though, your dd sounds like a carb addict. I'd think that the only way to curb this is to cut it all out. All sugar and everything should be gone. I wouldn't make a big deal about it, casting blame and whatever; I'd just mention that we were going to eat healthy things for awhile.


I might find another way to reward folks for stuff besides food.


If you really don't want to cut out all sweets entirely, I've found that my "sneaks" are less likely to sneak out of desserts that require a fork and plate to eat, like pie, cakes, ice cream...



You really need to make sure she is getting plenty of protein and healthy fats at mealtimes. If you overload on the potatoes and mac and cheese, her blood sugar is going to dip in a few hours and she'll crave more sugar. Make sure she starts the day with HEALTHY food. Sugary cereal or pop tarts will be setting her up for more carb cravings all day. She needs either a high fiber filling cereal (think raisin bran rather than captain crunch) or something with eggs, nuts, or meat. You probably want to monitor her juice intake as well.


(the only reason I know all this is that I am a recovering carb addict)

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I think you should go ahead and get the lockbox or hide the stuff away. I have a real sweet tooth and if there is candy or junk in the house, I often can't resist it. I actually have to ask my husband to hide things for the kids or I would eat them! I do not have a weight problem, but I just really struggle with sugar cravings. I have had issues with this since I was a teen.


The other thing that works for me is eating protein at each meal with my carbs being either whole grains or veggies and avoiding all sweets. Once I get the sugar out of my system, I am fine. Your daughter might be interested in hearing that if she was to change the way she ate, she might not have such strong cravings. (Of course, I don't know what she eats at meals now, so ignore me if she already does this.)


I would think at her age, hormones are kicking in and adding to the problem.



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is it possible that she is doing some "emotional" eating? Is there some stress that you might be aware of ? Eating for emotional reasons is a horrible habit to get into. I'd ask her if she eats when she's worried or upset about something and help her understand that there are better ways to handle the emotions.

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Thanks for all the replies. Funny note tho, is I am all about protein. <smile> I have lists on the fridge of suitable potein servings and try to have protein "requirements" posted for breakfast.


I do offer other things in the "A+ Candy Bar box"; but we eat pretty healthy (i.e. cooking from scratch, making our own bread) and I feel very comfortable with the 1-2x a week candy bars.


Keep the tips and ideas coming. What is a good snack lockbox.



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Honestly, I don't think that there is any way you can lock away snacks without everyone knowing who's to "blame" for it. My advice would be to just get rid of the stuff and replace it with food that can be eaten any time, no guilt.



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I think you should go ahead and get the lockbox or hide the stuff away. I have a real sweet tooth and if there is candy or junk in the house, I often can't resist it. I actually have to ask my husband to hide things for the kids or I would eat them! I do not have a weight problem, but I just really struggle with sugar cravings. I have had issues with this since I was a teen.


:iagree: Same here. I've been this way since I was about 10. I still haven't found a way to controle my carb cravings. If there were candy or sweets of ANY KIND in my house, I'd eat them till they were gone. It would be a kindness for you to make it impossible for her to get them and thus eliminate her constant thinking about them. It would even be a greater kindness to have the whole family eliminate them from their diet. That's what we have done. No sugar, no white flour. But then, we are all carb adicts. (We do eat white rice and potatoes. They just don't cause the kind of cravings that the others do.)


We do have dessert on rare occations, (not me though, no more sugar for me) but I only make something for that particular day. No left overs, nothing sitting around waiting to be eaten.


When I was a teen, my cravings were so bad that I would steel from a grocery store. I walked around with a cart, discretely opened a package of cookies, ate them as I walked around the store and eventually set the opened package down somewhere and left. I was an A student, kind, repsectful, obedient and honest - a VERY good kid in every way. It was devastating to me that I would steel. I wish I knew then what was going on in my body. The guilt I felt was horrible. This is why I say it would be a kindness if you took away the posibility of tempation and helped her settle on a diet that would reduce the cravings in the first place.

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