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GUS - Happy Solstice!

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Happy Solstice to the rest of you, but I'm "ba-humbugging."


I packed the boy off to bed and pulled out the game of Junior Operation I trekked through unknown territory to buy today (we only moved a week ago) and it broke within a minute of game play. So dd in her three year old way threw them at me in frustration so I had to send her to bed for time out, and she fell right to sleep. Not how I imagined the evening...


Anyway, we're near the beach now, so the Summer Solstice should be just fine :)


Rosie- :Ding at the "GUS" tag/disclaimer :)

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Another Aussie celebrating mid-Winter! We were invited to a mid-winter party with bonfires and lots of warming food. Lovely, apart from a 3yr old who was complaining about a stomach ache and refused to leave my arms. Three year olds are heavy and I've had a sore shoulder every since...


Looking forward to summer, but hoping we still get plenty more winter rains before then!



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Happy Solstice!


We'll be celebrating with a swim meet, I guess:). My husband was supposed to do the Solstice service at church yesterday, but things have been very crazy. His birthfather passed away and he had to go out of state for the funeral, so had to ask someone else to do the service for him. We ended up staying home as he got back very late Saturday night. We spent yesterday doing Father's Day activities with both our families.


I'd be happy if I thought our string of days in the upper 90's with humidity in the 95%+ range showed any signs of going back to normal (about 10 degrees cooler). Not happening, unfortunately. This isn't supposed to happen until closer to August!!

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