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Sale Question

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I purchased some curriculum on the sale forum and never received it and it has been a month. I requested a refund and the seller offered to split the difference. Should I request the full amount or split? I always ship with tracking #'s because I feel that it is the seller's responsibility to make sure it gets to the buyer but it did not have one and is now lost in the USPS. What should I do???

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Did you use PP? Is there any chance you've got an old address in there? I didn't realize PP had my address, & it was an old one. Once I figured that out, I got my package just fine--an old neighbor was holding it for me, lol. Just a thought. :001_smile:

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I just started using paypal this year to purchase stuff through the forums and ebay. I'm new to the whole online thing. I try to use PP because of the purchase guarantee but I've never run into a problem before. I could dispute it thru paypal but I don't necessarily want to be a wench either. Thankfully it was a small purchase but when you're buying for 5 kids you need every penny.

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It was coming from WA and going to northern MI. I asked about a confirmation # but there isn't one.I guess since this person has been a member for awhile they are probably not out there scamming people so I should just cut my losses and take the split.

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Technically if you filed with pay pal you would get a full refund...so you need to decide if you believe she really did ship it or not. If you think she is honest and believe she sent it then both of you are out money so a split could be fair but if you really need the money then you woud be entitled to it according to pay pal. Good luck on the choice it's hard.

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I would look at a consignment store or if you have a friend that you trust, maybe offer them 1/2 the profits to sell it for you.


You may also call some of the used book stores in your area and see if they would be interested in consigning some of them for you.


I have a friend who runs an internet book store and we have talked about doing something similar. I wouldn't end up with much money, but it would be a bit and I would have none of the work.

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