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Therapeutic Listening and Interactive Metronome

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Anyone done either one of these?


J had his OT eval this morning and these are two of the programs they use with their children. Actually *every* child will go thru the Therapeutic Listening program :)


I know a *little* about each of them, enough that I know J will GREATLY benefit from them. We are not 100% certain he will do Interactive Memtronome, yet, but we are keeping it very close.


J definatly is a sensory kiddo, most likely nothing more as orginally thought (PPD-NOS dx at age 3.6yrs and now HFA) since his SPD is *so* severe in some areas.


J does not get dizzy like other children, spin him to the right and stop-his eyes only move for 3 seconds. Spin him to the left, his eyes do not move at all upon stopping. For a chid of his age, it is to be between 6-9 for each eye....DH said we should make some money on his lack of being dizzy thru some of the strange game shows on. :tongue_smilie:


Right now J is still transposing his "majic c", we are ok with this-UNTIL he turns 7, so we have some work to do.


Overall, we were VERY happy with the eval and can not wait to start.


Just wondering if anyone has any personal experince with the two above programs. Also does anyone else have a vestibular kiddo?

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My ds, now 11, did Interactive Metronome when he was about 6/7. I think I saw an increase in attention and focus after he completed the program. It wasn't a miracle cure for us, but it did seem to help. Not sure whether the improvement held out long term though.


Hope this helps!


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My ds, now 11, did Interactive Metronome when he was about 6/7. I think I saw an increase in attention and focus after he completed the program. It wasn't a miracle cure for us, but it did seem to help. Not sure whether the improvement held out long term though.


Hope this helps!



Oh,THANK YOU!!!!!!!


J has some major "from brain to fingers" processing problems, so we are hopeful that with the combination of SI therapy that one, if not, both of these programs will also help.

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Two of my sons are getting both.


While the OT hopes for attention issues to be resolved with IM, I am looking for help in the dyslexia realm and with motor planning. My 9yo in particular is pretty athletic, but he struggles with being able to put all the pieces of soccer together (running, dodging, kicking, etc.)


We start TLP today, actually. We had to wait for our "turn" to borrow the special headphones. We get to borrow them (and the CDs) for a month. If we see improvement we will purchase them ourselves.


I want to say, though, that my 7yo (who seems to have auditory issues) hates, hates, hates both programs. IM is very, very hard for him and he doesn't like the music of TLP.:tongue_smilie:

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Renee in Florida - about Therapeutic Listening. After your son goes through the first cd or two, he should have more choices with more interesting music. Of course, this depends on how many cds the clinic has purchased.


We have to purchase the CDs after the first month, so we'll have as many CDs (eventually) as they have.

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I tried IM a year and a half ago for awhile but had to quit before my son reached the optimal timing goals (IM provider had a personal conflicts and could not continue). At the time, I thought he was able to read and write for longer periods of time, although he didn't maintain that and I think it is because he hadn't done IM long enough to maintain timing improvements. When he started IM he was off the charts bad. The provider recommended we do The Listening Program so we purchased the CDs and he went through them twice. I hoped it would help his speech, but it did not (he lacks clarity).


My son is now 15 and we are giving IM another try with a different provider. He has only had 5 sessions so far so it is too early to tell if there will be a difference, but his timing is steadily improving so we'll see.

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My almost 9 yo has SPD (among other things) and doesn't get dizzy when she spins. She is doing IM and TLP, and we've definitely seen improvements. We also used LiPS and we're now using Barton Reading, so it can be hard to know how much credit to give to each part of her therapy and curriculum. At any rate, we found a good combination for her and we're seeing progress.

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