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Facebook and SPAM

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I was going through my SPAM folder, and there are two Facebook messages- (1) says I have 3 unread messages (2) says I have 2 or more unread messages. I deleted my account, so I wasn't expecting to get any more Facebook notifications- I do NOT want to open these messages, but I'm wondering if they 'could' be legit so I thought I'd ask here. When I hover over the sender it shows

notification+nskwlbmzrfgw@facebook.com as the e-mail address that sent the notification. Does that look normal, or Spammy? TIA

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We received an email request for money from a woman in one of our local yahoo groups .... apparently her facebook account had been hacked that led to her yahoo group and sent emails out saying that she was on vacation overseas and needed money, with info where to send money.


Of course the woman was mortified that this had gone out to us.

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Anything that says "facebookmail dot com" is spam, as far as I know.


I recently got a similar spam notification, saying my account was inactive. Thankfully my GMail flagged it. I looked at the sender and it wasn't the actual address.


If you're in doubt, don't open the email and just go check your Facebook. Anything you get a genuine email about will be on there and you'll know it's real!

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