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s/o Strong Marriage thread. Am I the only one who doesn't need dates?

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We stand in the card area of Target and show each other what $5 card we would have bought each other for our anniversary.


Oh, I definitely need to remember this....cards are way.too.expensive.


I don't feel the need to date my husband either and yet there are so many marriage seminars, Bible studies, etc, that seem to push this issue and make those of us who don't feel guilty or weird.


Our "date" last night was breakfast together at 3:00AM! I just really wanted to go out for breakfast with my hubby so we simply did it at home while the kids were in bed and we really enjoyed it....no one asking for any food ;)

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Love this thread!:D


Would I like to go see a movie just the two of us? Sure. Do we need a date night? No.(He is home at 4:30 every evening - if that was different, I might feel different.) Ugh! I just get so sick of hearing "you guys need to get out." To hear this side is a breath of fresh air.

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We like taking our kids with us also. We all went to Red Lobster for our 15yr wedding anniversary. Our friends thought we were nuts for taking the kids, but they made it so much fun. It was hilarious watching my 8yo try to tackle crab legs. :001_smile:


We ALWAYS take our kids out for our anniversary. It is the birthday of our family...they should be there...and we always have so much fun!



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the submission thread in that we are defining date in a million different ways. I think we all realize that for a marriage to thrive we need time to talk to each other, make love and be alone as husband and wife. Wether or not thats at a restaurant or after the kids go to bed, at a movie theatre or at the kitchen table doesn't make much difference to me most of the time. And for those who say "why wouldn't you include your kids in ...." Its the same reason you don't invite your kids to participate in other areas of your "married" relationship if you kwim, some things are just intimate between you two and while I like the idea of eating out as a family on your anniversary for others, to ME it can be both, celebrate it as a family, but I want to also celebrate it intimately with my husband in a way that it is not appropriate to share with the children. And I feel like the "this was brought on by our culture thing" is only true to a certain extent, I think that healthy marriages throughout the ages have taken time aside in various ways that fit each family to discuss their marriage, the intimate secrets that a husband and wife share. The "date" idea as it is presented here may be new, but the purpose is really the same and to each their own how they accomplish the final important goal of husband and wife intimacy! It shouldn't be something to argue about!

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