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Learning vocabulary when following WTM- HOW?

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I'm new and I plan to follow the WTM next year- I just realized there is no plan outlined for learning vocabulary. :001_huh: In school its in their reading books. Is it in the Spelling Workout books? I'm not crazy about picking which vocab words my kids should know- is there a guide for this?

Thanks for your help!

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I never used a vocabulary program with my kids, never picked out words for them to learn or memorize, and yet they always scored at the top of any standardized vocabulary tests. My kids just developed an extensive vocabulary through all the reading we did and all the audio books they listened to throughout the years. Classic literature is terrific for building vocabulary. They'd also ask me what something meant if I used a word they didn't know.


We played Rummy Roots, a card game that teaches Greek and Latin roots and we did study Latin for a time, which helps with vocabulary development.

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I'm with those who don't use an official vocab program. My girls do lots of reading and they're doing a second language, so that helps with some vocab and meanings. I might get my older dd to write out definitions of words periodically this year, but nothing uber formal. I listen to what they say and how they express themselves. They use more complicated words than their peers, and they use them correctly so that works for me.;)



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I'm new and I plan to follow the WTM next year- I just realized there is no plan outlined for learning vocabulary. :001_huh:


There is a study plan in the logic stage section. It uses Vocabulary From Classical Roots. We've been going through it, using most of this plan. I started off having ds use flashcards to memorize English derivatives (as suggested), but quickly gave that up - there are many derivatives. But we also study Latin, so that helps with English vocabulary, as does reading. Still, I have him continue with VFCR, because of the mind exercise of it, with seeing new Latin and Greek roots, and the exercises. They don't take long to do, and we do them orally.

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Thanks for the youtube link. I just watched it and thought it was great! Not to hijack, but does SWB have other video clips like this that basically answer questions. If not, I hope she keeps doing this. It's a great help to all of us using WTM philosophies.



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