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Migraine treatment?

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I'm on day three of a terrible migraine, and it's getting worse instead of better.

Of course it's Sunday so I can't call my doctor, but I really need some relief.


I have tried ibuprofen, tylenol and aleve (not at the same time, of course) and none of them have worked.


What else can I try?

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Personally, if you're on day three, call your doctor even if it IS a Sunday.


Have you had migraines before? Is this one new or worse than anything else? If it is, the doctor advice would be to go get checked out at the ER. (That's what happened with my first migraine ... I was just having a killer headache, first migraine ever, and it was bouncing off my panic disorder ... we didn't even try calling my doc, just headed to the ER for relief. They gave me some strong painkiller ... when I went to check in with my doctor later that week, he was LIVID that they didn't do any scans ... because it could possibly have been something worse. The first major headache, or 'worst pain ever', that you get ... they want it checked out!)


If your doc could call in a prescription for a stronger painkiller (assuming you already have had migraines before), it would so be worth bothering him on a weekend. You shouldn't have to suffer that long with that much pain!

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Thank you all for the suggestions.

It is day four, and the headache is 90% gone. What a relief.


I did try the caffeine yesterday, but there was no improvement. I think I am at the natural end of the migraine now.


A supplement (GABA) was suggested to me (thank you, Lisa!) and I will be picking up some of that today. I still need to figure out if I will need to take that regularly as a preventive measure, or only when the migraine begins.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some other tips that may be of help.



Magnesium – There’s a strong correlation between migraines and hormonal fluctuations. Estrogen hormones (right before, during, or immediately after your period) can block the body’s absorption of magnesium, leading to low blood levels of this mineral. Take 200 mg twice a day. Take with meals to ensure optimal absorption.

Feverfew – this herb treats migraine pain by interrupting its main cause: inflammatory reactions in your head that aggravate nerve endings and cause the blood vessels to expand. When taken daily, feverfew can prevent migraines as well as reduce their severity, duration, and frequency. Be patient. The results can take up to 6 weeks. If you stop taking it, your migraines might return. 500-600 mg of standardized feverfew daily. Take 2 equal portions on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Melatonin - taken at night helps some. Low melatonin in our bodies has been linked to migraines.

Melatonin is a natural hormone that promotes sound sleep. It acts as an antioxidant. Early in life, the body produces an abundant supply, but as we age, production steadily declines.

Melatonin is helpful for more difficult insomnia.

risk with inconsistent sleep/wake schedules - late night studying or partying or shift work schedules.

• Start with 1 mg just before bedtime. Take 2 hours or less before bedtime. If this is not effective, gradually increase dosage - some say no more than 6 mg, others can handle up to 15 mg. Your body will know. Melatonin dosages vary from individual to individual ~ and most do not need the highest dose. Ease into melatonin in increments.

• Use melatonin only occasionally. Do not take melatonin every single night

• Do not take melatonin during the day.

• When you awaken after melatonin-assisted sleep, you should feel refreshed – not tired or groggy. If you do experience grogginess, reduce the dosage.

• Do not give to children.

GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) – is an omega-6 essential fatty acid, reducing the severity, duration, and frequency of migraines. GLA significantly lessens nausea and vomiting. 1300-1600 mg daily from borage oil or evening primrose oil. Don’t use GLA if you take an antiseizure Rx. Take it on a full stomach in 2 divided doses, equally spaced during the day.

Vitamin D3- 2000-5000 IU daily

Calcium and Vitamin D – A calcium deficiency can exacerbate migraine symptoms. Women often suffer from migraines more often than men because women are more prone to calcium deficiencies. Most experience low calcium levels during the premenstrual or ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle.

Calcium carbonate is the worst absorbed form of calcium there is.

More calcium is absorbed from 500 mg of calcium citrate (an acidic form) than from 2,000 mg of calcium carbonate.

Calcium needs to be balanced with magnesium. Take twice as much magnesium as calcium.

Vitamin B2 – 400 mg daily may cut the frequency and duration of migraines. But you’ll need a Rx for that dosage.

Co-Q10 – Two-thirds of volunteers who consumed 200 mg daily cut their migraine attacks in half.

Butterbur – get ones with capsules free of Pas, compounds found in crude butterbur that are toxic to the liver.


Eat cherries as often as possible. Consuming 20 a day (about 2000 mg of cherry fruit extract) has been proven to provide more pain relief than aspirin and other painkillers. :)


REGULAR YOGA is a powerful headache cure.


EXERCISE – Begin with a daily 10-minute walk, take up a gentle yoga class, or try the slow movement of Tai Chi. Water aerobics and swimming help also.


Acupuncture helps with all sorts of pain.


CHIROPRACTIC/MASSAGE – both help immensely with pain

Be aware that you should wait for any inflammation to subside before starting either.


KEEP A MIGRAINE DIARY for several months to help identify triggers. Track your diet, exercise, stress levels, and symptoms.

Some common culprits include chocolate, food additives, hormonal fluctuations, weather, and stress.






Soak your feet in warm water with Epsom Salts. Since migraines are triggered by a mineral (especially magnesium) deficiency, this may help.



Dilute a few drops of peppermint oil with olive oil and rub the mixture onto your temples.


A mix of peppermint and lavender oil. 2-3 drops of each rubbed into the temples, back of the neck and on your feet feels wonderful and really helps.



1 aspirin, 1 Tylenol and 1 ibuprofen taken with some caffeine will work on the majority of my migraines if they haven't progressed too far.....


Excedrin Migraine




2 Excedrin Migraine and a hot bath in a dark bathroom. Then quiet sleep.



0.025% or 0.075% cream 1-4 times daily


COLD COMPRESS on head, face, or throat will lessen the pain


SLEEP - Get enough sleep. Your body needs a full night of quality sleep to fight pain. Sniffing lavender oil before sleep can help you.

GABA - that you mentioned is very good. GABA CALM – take sublingually before bedtime

100-500 mg daily

Try to avoid eating or drinking anything for 20 minutes before and after taking this

GABA loses its efficacy if taken every single day. Melatonin, also. I suggest alternating.



If you regularly suffer from migraine pain (especially if you develop auras), be careful of heart attack or stroke. If you have fewer than one migraine a month, you’re 50% more likely to have a heart attack than nonsufferers. If migraines strike at least weekly, you have 3 times the risk of stroke, compared with those who don’t.

• Aim to keep your cardiovascular system as healthy as possible.

Control high cholesterol and obesity, via diet and exercise.

• Quit smoking.

• Limit alcohol intake.

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