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Blech - ants

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We've been having a good bit of rain lately. I was working upstairs and noticed ants (I think) crawling all around my office. It looks like they were coming in from the side door & then up the wall on the internet cable and then exploring upstairs.




Some have wings so I'm not sure what type they are - but they don't look like termites (phew) and most do look like very small ants.


I'll be feeling them crawling on me the rest of the evening.

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We live in an old river bed with soft soil. The ants loooove our neighborhood. Each year I put out two boxes of Grant's Kills Ants. They are stakes that you stick in the ground around the foundation. They have the killer in them that gets carried back to the nest. These have made a big difference. Then I have started adding spray to the outside of the house. I think it is called Home Defense or something similar. It works wonders! There is a house we vacation in that gets HUGE ants. It is an almost empty home. I have taken to spraying the Home Defense spray around inside, until the ants are dead and then I wash all the areas where I had the chemical. I has been the only way to get them under control in the home.

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