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how to do bible "study" for Catholic preschoolers


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I would love to do a bible story daily and have this book of bible stories My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories and have been reading chronologically but I am thinking that isn't the best ideas, especially since a lot of the stories seem a bit I don't know...difficult to understand. I would love to do a bible story daily and explanation at her 2 1/2-3 year old level but don't know how. Any help from you wise WTM-ers who have gone before me. DD is our first so I don't know how to do this

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We are Catholic. My son is 3 1/2 yrs old, he hasn't been interested in our Story Bible. I just ordered for him CHC prek/k package. Also, I use a lot of the St. Joseph coloring books and Fr. Lovasik books. Herehttp://www.catholicbookpublishing.com/BrowseByDepartments.aspx?DepID=66

and here http://www.fatherlovasikpublications.com/shop.cfm?aa=70


Using those have worked much better for us. The coloring books have a ton of information. I bought most of my books at our local Catholic store.



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I like the look of CHC, much better than Seton. Seton is also very heavy on workbooks.I'm very excited to be getting CHC prek/k next week!


I really don't think little kids are that into Bible stories, at least my kids aren't. They would rather "do" than sit and be read to.



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:bigear: I wish I knew. I'm looking for kindergarten resources. I was thinking of doing a chronological study of the Bible, but I'm not really sure how to go about it.


I've looked at the Seton program, but it includes a LOT of coloring books... well... DD HATES coloring! That would never work for us.

Seton I hear is a bit "dry" (at least for LA and History don't know about Religion). dd loves coloring and we plan on using their pre-k 3 book series (adventures with books, etc) but I haven't seen them in person so i don't know how "interesting" they are.



I like the look of CHC, much better than Seton. Seton is also very heavy on workbooks.I'm very excited to be getting CHC prek/k next week!


I really don't think little kids are that into Bible stories, at least my kids aren't. They would rather "do" than sit and be read to.



DD asks for them actually, she will ask for "bible story" but then tries to steal the bible from me and read it herself lol.


I might have to go with a coloring book/activity approach.

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Well, how about the Beginner's Bible? We have this and I have not found anything objectionable about it. My 3yr old loves to listen to the stories and my 6yr old can read the stories from it herself. I think its very age appropriate and tells the stories of the Bible in a way a young one can understand.

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