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Camping after reading The Shack is not the same!!!!

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I am exahusted!!!! I think I would be after camping anyway, but I can't tell you how many times I felt panic over my kids this weekend!!! The campground we go to is great, a lot of families, and very well supervised by the hosts and park rangers. Still, it was stressful!!! The kids have reached ages where they want to ride around the camp loop...we let them if they stay together, but my 4yr old isn't quite ready (to his great annoyance.) Right before we left he disappeared on his scooter...errrrgh!!!! We found him, but it was terrifying. I think I need a nap! :) It's good to be home!!!!

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It was a great book :) I wish it just didn't have to start with a campground....oh well, I guess it's a good thing we are on guard!



It's not just the campground. Last summer, shortly after reading the book, I "lost" my 4yodd - at church! (during a potluck). After looking for her everywhere, several times, I started crying and the pastor made an announcement that got everyone looking for her. She was fine, playing with some slightly older boys outside at the lightly-trafficked end of the church building. But, I totally freaked. I just kept picturing little Missy in my mind. My dd is a blonde haired, blue eyed cutie, too, so it wasn't much of a stretch. I probably wouldn't have reacted so strongly if I hadn't recently read The Shack. Good has come of it, though. My church is now planning on building a fenced in play area for the little ones, right outside the door of the fellowship hall, so the kids can play safely outside during potlucks and other social gatherings.


Anyway, I absolutely love the book. I'm studying it with my Bible study group right now (my third time through it). But I don't like when fiction takes over my senses and becomes so real to me.

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