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AAACK! Where are my photos?!?!?!?!

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OK, I just need to spout for a minute. . . . . . . .



I went to open iphoto today - (we have a mac) - and -


MY PHOTOS WERE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




That feels only a little better.



I have NO IDEA where my iphoto library went to. And I'm talking about 4 years of pictures. . . .


No. I did not back most of them up.


And - the best person to help is my Dad, who's a Mac guru - and he's been after me for a long, long time to put my photos on CD. SO I really don't want to call him and listen to a lecture that will go like this. "I don't know where your photos are. Why didn't you back them up?"


I'm done now. Somebody tell me my 3yo won't rob a bank because her mom has almost no pictures of her. I think I'll go have a good cry.

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Yeah, Karen -


When I do spotlight search for "pictures" - NOTHING comes up. It's weird. I'm about to call apple care but I think we're DONE FOR.


The strangest - on my dh and dd's screens, their picture folders are fine. Just on mine, there's nothing.


My 15dd and 11 ds "swear" they didn't delete them when they were making space on the computer to edit their Star Wars takeoff movie. And it does seem like I have the same amount of space on my drive available - these were over 1100 pictures, so you'd think I'd notice a difference once they were gone?


Sigh. I did call my dad, who didn't rub it in too badly. . . . . .


Thanks for the encouragement!

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