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I have teenagers....

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I mean, I have had teenagers for a few years now but suddenly, I am talking the past few weeks, they want to hang out with friends, and .....wait for it.....GO ON A DATE.....gasp..... What happened to my baby boys, my ninja's, my little army men searching the back yard for the enemy. Tonight for the first time ever oldest ds (17) is going on a date, ds 2 (14) is going to a study group with his friends at the community center and claims he is a little more than friends with a young lady from his class and last but not least, although not a teenager....yet....ds 3 (10) has a sleep over at his school. So it's just dh, baby girl and myself for most the evening. WOW:001_huh: this happened so darn fast, my head is spinning. That is all.

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I know what you mean. Baby Girl just informed me that she will have a date for the JROTC's Christmas ball next year.


DH's feelings are hurt because DS1 wants to go to the movies without him. I recently had to persuade DH that it would be fine for the boys to go to an amusement park without one of us present, as long as they had a fully-charged cell phone with them and we do the driving.


DH and I have never experienced being anywhere with fewer than 2 of our kids. The coming years are going to be interesting.


Our kids haven't started dating yet, thank heavens. Our rule is that they must be 16. The boys haven't gotten their learner's permits yet, and they don't want DH to drive them, so it will be awhile. They are being lazy, but it is finally to our benefit, the way I see it.

Edited by RoughCollie
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I hear you. My two boys are 18 and 14, and they want to be with friends more now, and older ds has his first date. He's like girls for years, they've like him for years, and he's finally gotten up the nerve to ask one out, and she accepted. He's so handsome, I'm really surprised he's not gone on a date before, but am THANKFUL!!! I'm also thankful that he's fully aware of the head games girls play on boys.


He also wants to join the reserves. :crying::crying::crying: He is questioning the National Guard right now, which at least seems safer to me, but........... I struggle with it. I am being supportive, thanks to the advice I've received here, but it's not easy and not always genuine.


Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. It's also college this year.


Where did all the time go???


I will NOT make school an option for my girls. NO WAY. They're staying home with ME until they marry, which won't be allowed until they're at least 30. :001_rolleyes:

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Yes, its only the last few months I really feel that "teenager" thing, and I am not getting out of it scot free, apparently. I stress, I argue, I tear my hair out, I yell...I wonder what happaned to our wonderful close relationship...then I get a big warm hug by someone who used to be little who suddenly is now TALLER than me.


Ds14 has ridden his bike to the mall to go to see Robin Hood with several other kids his age. His girlfriend was supposed to be there but couldnt make it.


Dd15almost16 has ridden her bike to the Venturer hall to help them build a Rover hall next door. Then she will come home and catch the bus into Fremantle, and meet up with friends and go shopping, and catch the bus home.


Life is different. I still do a lot of driving for them, but they have taken hold of their own lives with both hands. Gone are the days I organise social events or even homeschooling excursions for them.


I am not finding it easy, sometimes. BUt there are still plenty of good times and fun times and lots of breaks where they are off doing their own thing, for me to catch my breathe and get a feeling for what it will be like in a few short years when they are not living here and my life doesn't revolve around them any more. ANd you know...I think I am going to be ok :)

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