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Favorite history or geography series for pre-k/k

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I like the Discover America State by State series. Each state has a book that goes through the letters A-Z and has something about the state for each letter. It is written so that age can retain, but then in the sidebars it has more content for older children (or moms!) I have been reading these and really enjoying them. Our library has them all, but they are kind of a pain to find, because I never know what they're called and I can't search by the series name. I normally go on Amazon and find it on there and then am able to find it at my library.


If nothing else, they provide bunny trails - Hey, Louisiana has Crawfish, let's go learn more about those! - for example.

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My DC love the If You Lived... series! The One Small Square books are nice to cover biomes, but I guess that's more science than geography. We have the book Material World (it's more of an adult coffee table book than a children's book). It shows families all over the world with all of their possessions and tells about their life. It's too much reading for littles ones, but they like to flip through the pictures.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I have requested a number of the titles through my library consortium. We'll see what appeals to my sons.


At the rate we are plowing through science books, we will have read all of the Level 1, Let's read about science titles available through our library system before the end of summer. We are also reading some of the health titles recommended at the Guest Hollow website. I am trying to add other non-fiction to slow us down a bit and add some balance.


For fiction, we are currently reading the Before Five in a Row books and related titles. I plan to start FIAR in the fall.

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