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Do you use an umbrella school or register with your county?

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My DD is 6 years old and entering "first" grade. This means that in my county, I would need to register her with the county if I intend to do so. However, I'm not sure that I want to do this.


If you are registered with your county, then what does your county require? Attendance? Grades? Portfolio?


My daughter is currently taking speech therapy at the local elementary school. I assume that if we continue to use their services, then we will need to register with our county as opposed to an umbrella school. However, I'm thinking of stopping therapy with the public school. I'm just not sure yet.


If you are registered with an umbrella type school, do you mind me asking which one? I googled them and a bunch of choices come up. I do not know how to figure out which ones are legit. I want something with minimal upkeep....I don't want to be constantly be sending grades, portfolios, etc. But I want a school that will be reliable if my children ever want to dual enroll, if I ever need transcripts, if they need to get into college, etc.


Any advice? Suggestions?

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I am registered directly with the county. As my name says I live in Florida :001_smile:. The rules here are very simple; I send in some form of evaluation once a year. I use standardized testing but I could use portfolio review or personal evaluation by a certified teacher.


Most umbrella groups seem to have their own implied requirements, whether it is a specific curriculum/method or a particular religious denomination. I found it quite easy to just go it alone.


hope this helps, have fun :001_smile:

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Denise, thanks for your reply! I'm in Florida too. Is it the same state wide or is there different rules for different counties? I guess I just need to emamil whomever is in charge of homeschooling for our county.


I notice that one of your children is heading off to college. Were they homeschooled? If so, how was the transition regarding the paper work, transcripts, and such?

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I use this umbrella school and it is in Florida. I have been with them through Georgia, Virginia and now Washington state. I aslo register with whatever school district I am in, I guess that is what you mean by "county". Usually it is just a letter of intent but Georgia I had to send in monthly calendar of attendance.


With this umbrella school I send in some stuff at the beginning of the year [my plan and curriculum] and then stuff at the end of the year. Very simple and easy but she is always there if I need help or have questions.

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We're registered with Home Life Academy rather than with the district-in TN, it's one or the other. I've heard enough horror stories about our local county school system's response to homeschoolers that I really didn't want to ever get DD on their radar.

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I register straight with the county. All we do is stop in once a year to turn in standardized test scores or a signed paper stating we've had a portfolio review. I've homeschooled in three counties of Florida and the county administrators have all been kind and easy to deal with.

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I am registered directly with the county. As my name says I live in Florida :001_smile:. The rules here are very simple; I send in some form of evaluation once a year. I use standardized testing but I could use portfolio review or personal evaluation by a certified teacher.



This is us too. We're in FL and registered with district (never a problem in 10 years)


I'm in Florida too. Is it the same state wide or is there different rules for different counties? I guess I just need to emamil whomever is in charge of homeschooling for our county


You do register in your own county but the rules are statewide. FPEA is a great resource for homeschooling in FL. They have wonderful guide you can access on their site or contact them for a copy. We still refer to it when questions come up.

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