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Suggestions for religious studies?

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I'm really at loss here.


I grew up in a family that didn't go to church, I learned about God and Jesus through the Catholic school and my dear grandma. My husband isn't much help here, as his parents were even less religious than mine, he never received any religious education what so ever.


I have brought my children to church, but have yet to find a 'home' in a church yet, all went to Catholic school for a period of time, ds15 2 years, dd13 - 8 years, dd11 - 5.5 years, and dd6 1.5 years.


I want to teach them more of God, however, the churches that we've been to, aren't teaching what I want them to know. I'm finding them judgemental, hypocritical, and I'm not comfortable having my children there. I will keep looking.


How can I teach them without being preachy or boring? DS15 was already traumatized by a Sunday school.... he had nightmares for weeks.


Unfortunately, our experiences with churches have been very negative. But I don't believe that going to a church defines us as Christians, especially when there is corruption within those 4 walls.


Is there any gentle books out there to help me guide the kids? I have no idea how to approach it. We tried Sunday school, and it was fire and brimstone and an unforgiving god. That isn't the God I know, not whatsoever. I don't want them to fear God, but to love Him.


I have a hard time teaching faith, when I myself have wavered with uncertainty in how to follow His path.

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Well, first of all, how do you believe God reveals His truth to you? As a Christian I believe He reveals Himself most clearly in the image of Christ who was God incarnate, and He also reveals His truth in His Word. It is important to interpret God's word, the Bible, through the loving Spirit of Christ. The Jews of Jesus time often based so much of their religion on the Old Testament Scriptures, and it was good that they held God's words in such high esteem. However, Jesus often rebuked them for interpreting it in the wrong spirit. Jesus said if you have seen Him, you have seen the Father. My suggestion (with what little I know about you) would be to read the gospels (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and pick out the stories that you yourself find meaningful and think your children are ready to hear. Just share with them what you are learning about God yourself. Teach them what God teaches you as He teaches you--He doesn't expect anymore than that. When you learn something new, share it with them in a casual real life way. And remember, not all the harsh sounding and negative stories from the Bible are meant to be unloving. When we fail to face the horrible consequences of sin, we cannot value the unfathomable love of Christ who suffered in order to save us from them. In fact, we can only percieve the depths of God's love and forgiveness by facing the horrid results of our sin and how we hurt God, ourselves, and others. Finally, I comfort my children with the verse in I John 1:9 often. It is a grand display of God's forgiveness that can readily be applied to our lives.

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Hello there! Right now, we are going through the book - Leading little ones to God. It is a great book that teaches children who God is, and also what His purpose was down here on earth. Wonderful book! My 4 year old can sit and listen to it! It takes maybe 10 minutes a day. We actually do it at night before bed. Very comforting.

So sorry you have had a rough experience trying to teach your children about God. Just remember, people, no matter what religion they are, are going to fail you, but God never will. :0) Hope this helped a bit!


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You could read the Bible to your children. You could start at the beginning, Genesis. The book of Matthew covers Jesus. Don't miss that one. You could have your children do oral narrations after the readings.


Before I read the Bible I thought it was boring, but it isn't. It isn't exactly what people make it out to be. The Old Testament (which is the first books in the Bible) has more fire and brimstone type stuff than I expected. I had gotten the impression that the New Testament said that God loves us all, and it doesn't matter much what we believe, or what we do, as long as we are aren't ax murders He is pleased with us. When I started reading the New Testament, it did not seem to be saying that to me. I suspect reading the Bible will be very interesting to you, and will cause you to question your religious beliefs even more. Just a heads up.


You could have them memorize

The Lord's Prayer (Our father who art in heaven...)

Psalm 23 (The Lord is my Shepard...)

and other passages


You could pray with them.

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But I don't believe that going to a church defines us as Christians, especially when there is corruption within those 4 walls.


May you be blessed in your search for Christ !


A very common error is to see sin within a faith group and, in a serious mistake, conclude that the faith itself is wrong because sin is done by some, even by many, of its members.


Examine the thousands of Christian groups by examining the beliefs only. Many here will want you to incline toward their own particular persuasion. (I admit my own wish to suggest to you what I know to be the truth ! :)) Please pray, read everything you can get your hands on (books, websites), talk with individuals, and visit churches. This decision must be made by you, alone. Be open to things you may not have considered before -- even to returning to the faith of your earlier years. (No, I am not Catholic, so that is not a "plug" !)


Again, may the light of our Risen Christ guide you !

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Until you find a church home, I suggest you get a good concordance and start by studying, not just reading, love. Spend 6 months. IMO, understanding the love of God is a direct path to understanding Jesus. Then, study the 4 gospels for 6 months. You'll get to know Jesus as your brother, who always points to the father. Finally, after that, study the rest of the new testament to see how the Holy Spirit moved.


At the end of that study...1.5 years or more, your family will know who God is, what He expects of them (not what any religion expects of them), and they will be able to make a decision that is personal and well guided.


Best wishes for salvation and strength for your entire family.

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