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About Spirulina -- a few questions

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Yes, I use it for anaemia and it seems to work well for me. However, I take a lot. I cant stand thr taste, so I buy the tablets. They are small and easy to swallow- and I take 20 tablets at a time, which is 10 grams. I can usually get them all down in about 3 mouthfulls of liquid.

They are very high in protein too, as well as iron.

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Wow!!! 20 pills at a time sounds huge! I'm going to look at it today.


Here is one of my concerns though. If I start taking them at a certain amount, over time, will I require more and more to achieve a minimum iron level?


I remember reading about melatonin when I was still battling insomnia. One of the complaints about that was that it starts off working great but i'd have to keep upping the dose to maintain. A dr. said instead of that, take it for a while, go off, when I start noticing that I'm heading back toward sleeplessness, start again.


Is spirulina like that . . . something I'll keep having to up the dosage to reap the benefits or it is what it is and as long as I take it, i'll see the benefits?


Thanks, Peela, you're a peach!!

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I will post some tips tomorrow when my computer works. My blood was down to 5.9 before, 6.0 twice from pregnancies and I didn't get a transfusion. Wheatgrass is good to. Do not take calcium or eat dairy when you eat iron rich foods. Liver is not required. I do suggest pumpkin seeds and black beans. Will tell you more later. If you need to pm me. Also let me know if you have a juicer. Beet juice is excellent. Sorry can't tell more eat the moment.

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You don't become immune to iron and need more and more to keep your levels up. I used Spa-tone, a liquid iron supplement when I was pregnant and that kept mine as high as they needed to be. I kept telling dh not to give me parsley, because it made me gag! Your body will tell you when you've had enough.



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Wow!!! 20 pills at a time sounds huge! I'm going to look at it today.


Here is one of my concerns though. If I start taking them at a certain amount, over time, will I require more and more to achieve a minimum iron level?


I remember reading about melatonin when I was still battling insomnia. One of the complaints about that was that it starts off working great but i'd have to keep upping the dose to maintain. A dr. said instead of that, take it for a while, go off, when I start noticing that I'm heading back toward sleeplessness, start again.


Is spirulina like that . . . something I'll keep having to up the dosage to reap the benefits or it is what it is and as long as I take it, i'll see the benefits?


Thanks, Peela, you're a peach!!


Melatonin is a different thing- it is a hormone that your body produces. WHen you supply it, your body can get the message to produce less because of the feedback systems in your body- it senses you have plenty of melatonin in your system, and so switches down the production of melatonin. Thats why you always need to be careful with taking hormones- they can relaly mess you around. Same can happen with thyroid hormones.


Iron is a mineral, and your body doesnt produce it. It can obtain it from many food sources- for many of us, we dont "extract" it very efficiently and so need more in our diets. I do think you can often train your body to obtain iron from vegetarian rather than meat sources- but I have tried not very successfully. Spirulina is a good way for me to be able to eat less meat, though.

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Spirulina will not cause weight gain. I would not use it as a sole source. Why do you need to raise your blood? Is it pregnancy, surgery, something else? Here are a few tips to help


2 Tablespoons of molasses in warm water once or twice a day

1 Tablespoons of wheat getm oil 2 times daily

8 oz fresh beet juice throught the day or if you prefer carrot beet & apple

wheatgrass juice once or twice a day

1 Tablespoon of supergreen food daily

1/4 cup pumpkinseeds daily


I purchased the frozen cubed wheatgrass, and had someone bring fresh beet juice blend daily since I didn't have a juicer.


foods to add to your diet black grapes, spinach sparangly choose other greens instead, raisins, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ,lettuce, dandelion tea, nettle tea, asparagus, pomegranate, garlic, parsley(high in iron), watercress, dandelion leaves, green peppers, carrots, kale, black beans, blueberries, strawberries


foods to avoid pasteurized milk, cheese, coffee, tea, alcohol, white sugar, white flour, pork,canned food, smoked food, preserved food, processed foods, beef is good but it is better to eat mostly vegetables and fruit


supplements that are helpful kelp, raspberry leaf tea, wheat grass juice, and wheatgrass powder, super green powders, fenugreek, Garden of Life raw iron, Floradix iron, spirulina, food based multivitamin


If you are pregnant, I am assuming you are not pregnant since you mentioned spirulina. Some of these things mentioned are not ok for pregnancy. When I lost a lot of blood from a second trimester loss, the only reason I didn't get a transfusion is because there was a problem with the lab. They called the lab several times, but the lab did not understand they needed the blood now. The girl had a speech problem since she had a few teeth missing. They knew I didn't want a transfusion, but did allow me to go home provided I was not alone as if I fell or bruised myself I could bleed to death. I ate black beans almost daily with parsley. Also lots of homemade vegetable soup, and soup brooth. I took and squeezed an orange and mixed green powder with it. Vitamin C helps absorb iron. It is very important to have an extremely good diet not just take a supplement. Also it is important to just stand up and walk a bit to circulate your blood. I hope your blood is not too low that it causes a headache or dizziness, if so have someone hold your hand. Please let me know i fyou have more questions.

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