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Worst college degrees

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I was happy Creative WRiting wasnt in the mix. Breathing sigh of relief for my two dd's.


I know its probably nbr 11.


Probably because undergrad degrees in Creative Writing aren't common enough to be counted for stuff like this. Most schools that I know of only offer the MFA.


And yes, I would have majored in Creative Writing as an undergrad if my uni had offered it. :)

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The lady who used to cut my son's hair was an RN who had quit nursing because she makes more money as a barber. My uncle's wife is a computer engineer who now does eyelash extensions because she didn't like the high-stress environment. The guy who runs the surf museum in Hale'iwa is a retired Colonel, who didn't want another "real job." We know another Colonel who retired young but went to work driving a forklift because he said "he never wanted to make another work-related decision."


When I was a server in a restaurant, I worked with a guy who quit his job as a psychologist and waited tables instead. When I asked him why, he answered, "When I have a bad day here, maybe I spilled something or got a bad tip. When I had a bad day as a psychologist, somebody committed suicide." At that time he had been serving for 3 years, and was perfectly satisfied.

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