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Primary Phonics

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I was browsing through a catalog I received today (I ordered the catalog to see their write-up on ETC) and saw Primary Phonics. We use OPGTR and love it for learning words, etc. but DS misses workbooks, hence the interest in ETC. However, from the write-up, Primary Phonics looks great with workbooks, readers and comprehension workbooks which cover reading, spelling, vocabulary and reading comprehension.


Has anyone used it? Opinions, good and bad, would be appreciated. My DSs think the ETC workbooks and online look "fun" so I might do OPGTR as our main, ETC online for fun (and to fake them into believing it is a computer game so they stop hacking into Yahoo games) and Primary Phonics for workbooks.



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We've used several of the Primary Phonics reader sets. I like 'em a lot. We haven't used any of their other materials though, because we're happy with ETC.


I originally looked at it for the readers, but then realized that the comprehension workbooks went with the readers, as did the regular workbooks.


Sigh, I just want to try everything. Why can't they have "professional" curriculum testers.

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Sigh, I just want to try everything.

Me too. :D


We'd already started with ETC when I learned about the Primary Phonics storybooks. When it comes time to buy phonics workbooks for DD2, I'll look more closely at Primary Phonics materials before deciding between those and ETC.

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I needed more for dd to actually read, so I ordered 2 sets of the Primary Phonics readers. Ds had used them in Montessori, too, so I remembered some of them (Ben Bug was a favorite! lol).

But we only used the first two or three sets. We did not do anything except read the readers.

I wanted to get dd into real books as soon as possible, so we went from PP supplemented with these and with Bob Books (and a few I wrote) right into Beginner Readers like Cat in The Hat, Go Dog Go and A Fly Went By. After that, she picked up Little HOuse in the Big Woods and never looked back.


I continued phonics for a little while, but then we just covered phonics in spelling and supplemented with Adventures in Phonics in 2nd grade.


Far more than you needed to know! lol

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Interestingly enough, we used them at Montessori, too. I continued the series at home. There is more writing involved in Primary Phonics than with ETC, but that was one thing I liked about them. The storybooks provided great practice. I'm not certain about ETC, but Primary Phonics also helped with color word recognition. I haven't used any of the comprehension workbooks, though. However, I was very pleased with what we used, and dd really enjoyed them.

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We use ETC + Primary Phonics readers + the Mac & Tab reading comprehension books that go along with the readers.


We love the readers - they are so very good at keeping the vocab in the story incremental. My son is able to decode everything except the very few sight words. They are wonderful for building confidence & strengthening skills. My first son did level 1, 2, 3, & 4. My second son needs more practice, so we ordered the 1A, & 2A sets which each provide 10 additional books at the same level. He has extra time for the roots to go deep & I love it! We chose not to use the Primary Phonics workbooks because they do color words as sight words, which I don't prefer, and there is quite a bit of writing, which doesn't go over well here.

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