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list of major historical discoveries?

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On p. 116 of WTM 2004, under the memorization section, it says "...could also memorize...major discoveries (listed at the back of the Kingfisher book)." I checked the Kingfisher book, and can't find a list of major historical discoveries. Does anyone know where I can find such a list? I could piece something together, but it would take me hours because I don't have a good grasp yet of what a good sample list of major discoveries throughout the ages would be. If you can help me, I'd really appreciate it!



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There's also The Timetables of History by Bernard Grun. It's a huge book, done up like a timeline with headings of history/politics, literature/theater, religion/philosophy/learning, visual arts, music, science/technology/growth, daily life.

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This isn't exactly what you asked for, but I thought I would give the link in case you can use it:


100 Pivotal Events of Western History



Ooooo, thanks! I can use this if I end up having to piece together my own list - I can take discoveries/inventions from this list - it's easier than combing through a history book. Thank you!


There's also The Timetables of History by Bernard Grun. It's a huge book, done up like a timeline with headings of history/politics, literature/theater, religion/philosophy/learning, visual arts, music, science/technology/growth, daily life.


Aha! I have this book! Great idea - I could comb through the science/technology sections if I have to piece something together! I didn't even think of this book. Thank you!


Has anyone already made up a "major discoveries in world history" list, to use for memory work for their kids? Willing to share?

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Maybe I should expand on this - what things would you include on a list of maybe 25-50 major discoveries in world history? They could be from science, technology, politics (like Vikings discovering Vinland), art, music, etc. But what would you consider to be most important and why? Help me make a list?:)

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You may find Charles Murray's *Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950* profitable, specifically, pages pp. 163 to 204.


The chronologies are in a section entitled "The Events That Matter": "Central Events in Astronomy"; "... in Biology"; "... Chemistry"; "... the Earth Sciences"; "... Physics"; "... Mathematics"; "... Medicine"; "... Technology".


The next chapter has meta-inventions, such as linear perspective; polyphony; meditation; arabic numerals and the calibration of uncertainty.



Daughter: 9; Singapore Primary Mathematics 3A; Story of the World Level 2; Writing Strands 3; Spelling Workout Level C; Science experiment books recommended in WTM; WWE3


Son: 6: First Language Lessons Level 2; Singapore Primary Mathematics 1B; general handwriting practice and reading practice; SOTW 1; WWE 1

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Here are some more references


Timeline of scientific discoveries


The Scientific 100: - A Ranking of the Most Influential Scientists, Past and Present


The 12 Greatest Scientific Discoveries and Inventins in the World


The History Guide - Lecture 12: The Scientific Revolution, 1642-1730


International World History Project


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pg. 759 is headed Exploration and Discovery


If that is the list - it is all places catagorized by continent.


The place, who explored/discovered it, the date


p. 759 of which book? I've checked KF, WTM, and The Timetables of History, and don't see anything like this.


Wow, thanks for all the places to check, everyone! I'm going to have a look later when I have a longer time.


More input always welcome!

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Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World - 1992 (white cover)


Oh, OK, I've got the red cover one. But I might be able to get the white one from the library again, if they haven't discarded it. Thank you!


Hmm...I wonder if the bit on p. 116 about the major discovery list in KF is a leftover from the 1999 WTM? Was the white version rec'd in that one?


EDIT: My library still has it, and I just reserved it. I hope this is what I'm looking for! Thank you so much!

Edited by Colleen in NS
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pg. 759 is headed Exploration and Discovery


If that is the list - it is all places catagorized by continent.


The place, who explored/discovered it, the date


Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World - 1992 (white cover)


Melissa, THANK YOU!!! This is exactly what I was looking for. The 2004 WTM must be referring to an old rec in the white KF book. Thank you so much!!!

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