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Dr. Hive: Vocal Cords NOT Connected? Anyone heard of this? (more inside)

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A very dear friend has had the worst laryngytis for the past 4 weeks now. She began doctoring three or four days into it. She was given steroids, antibiotics, and I don't know what else. She has been on a liquid diet, soft foods, not talking, everything she can think of. She was tested for all kinds of allergies and everything came up negative.


It is actually painful to listen to her try to talk - I feel awful for her.


Sunday she went to the ER b/c her esophagus was swelling and she felt like she couldn't breathe. She was given steroids and an appointment to see a throat specialist today ostensibly for some kind of scan as the ER folks said that perhaps there was a bone chip in her esophagus.


She just emailed me that she has to see another specialist - the one today says that her vocal cords are not connected - I haven't googled yet - wanted to post this first. The specialist today told her liquids or soft foods and absolutely no talking.


Anyone heard of vocal cords not connected?

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This one is new to me. Did you find anything out?



Nope. I have emailed my sister (she's an MD), but I have not been able to find anything out. My google search came up with alot of stuff, but none of it 'vocal cords not connected.' There was some scary stuff on 'vocal cord paralysis' - very scary, but that was not what she said to me.


Her dh is trying to get them in with a specialist at Georgetown Hospital. and I am praying that he does. He is retired Army and he has a good friend in Montgomery County who is an MD and I am praying that he has been in contact and things are going to happen.


Two years ago, J had surgery on her throat, and dh and I are wondering if this is something that is somehow related to either the surgery or the reason for the surgery - which I think was to remove nodules from her vocal cords.


We are waiting to hear b/c I will be available to get their high school freshman daughter at school tomorrow for them.


Thanks for asking -:)

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No, but I had nearly the same symptoms for six months when I was 16yo. Turned out it was papillomas on my vocal cords. They went in through my throat, surgically removed them, & tested them (benign). Immediately solved the problem.

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No, but I had nearly the same symptoms for six months when I was 16yo. Turned out it was papillomas on my vocal cords. They went in through my throat, surgically removed them, & tested them (benign). Immediately solved the problem.



Daisy: thanks for this info -- i've googled and i am reading about it - wanted to come back and say thanks!:)

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Not that I know everything about the vocal cords (I was a speech-language pathologist before kids), but I've not heard that. The first thing that came to mind in your OP was that the vocal cords were not approximating -- or coming together -- because of nodules or other growth (i.e. Daisy's papillomas), paralysis or bowing because of a change in the tone of the vocal cords.


It is always hard to tell what someone means when you are hearing something second -- or third -- hand.


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Not that I know everything about the vocal cords (I was a speech-language pathologist before kids), but I've not heard that. The first thing that came to mind in your OP was that the vocal cords were not approximating -- or coming together -- because of nodules or other growth (i.e. Daisy's papillomas), paralysis or bowing because of a change in the tone of the vocal cords.


It is always hard to tell what someone means when you are hearing something second -- or third -- hand.



:iagree: From the reading I did after reading Daisy's very helpful post, I am thinking that the test that J had today (she said her throat was 'scoped') showed that the vocal cords were not approximating (as you said above). The visit tomorrow, I would imagine, is to determine why.


I know WAY MORE about 'laryngeal papillomas' than I thought possible......it was fascinating. BTW, if I could go back and select what I would want to study in school, I would want to be a Speech Pathologist.:)

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Thanks for the links - I will go and read, and hopefully J will have an answer tomorrow. I will update and you and I will confer.;) I read the links and my vote is still going with laryngeal papillomas -- I've got you down for VCD.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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