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Question for those using K12's HO for a spine, and needing help for Middle Ages...


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If you use K12's HO, how do you stretch this out as a spine for an entire school year? I was hoping to use this as the spine for History Odyssey level 2, but after looking through K12's HO Vol. 1, I see that the first three parts of the book are dedicated to the ancients, leaving only Part 4 (12 chapters) to address the Middle Ages. I'm not sure how to make that last a whole year. I'd really like to avoid buying the next volume in the series as these texts are rather pricey! :) Any suggestions? I'd be using this with a 5th and 6th grader.


Also, how would you combine these two children in their history studies?


ds11 (6th grade) - loves history and will write enthusiastically when it involves history. Strong reader, but loves read alouds, also.


dd10 (5th grade) - somewhat ambivalent toward history and would prefer to spend more time doing science. Loves crafty, hands on activities. Highly visual and prefers to read her own books.


My original plan was to have 6th grader do HO level 2 using a different spine (hopefully K12!). My 5th grader would do SOTW 2 adding in hands on activities as we could. However, I would really like to combine them so that I have more time to work with my K'er. Any ideas?


I've bought several resources to review. I love Gombrich's Little History of the World and Susan Strauss Art's Story of the Middle Ages, but neither of these seem to have enough material to stretch a whole year. Dorothy Mills' The Middle Ages looks a bit beyond the reach of my 5th grader. I like SOTW 2, but worry that these older kids need something more. K12's HO looks wonderful, but again, not enough material! I just bought a used Sonlight Core 6 schedule, but I'm not sure my 5th grader will get much out of the read alouds. :glare:


I've looked at this issue for so long, I think I've lost perspective. Can anyone help me out?


Thanks so much!!

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Oh, Kai, I wish I had discovered K12's books sooner so I could do that! Unfortunately, I'm off schedule at this point, and I'm not very good at planning my own thing. It just seems to overwhelm me if things don't match up perfectly, and well, they never do, do they? :001_smile:


Thanks for your thoughts!

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