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S/O e-reader...do I want a Kindle or a Nook or ??

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OK Hive,


The thread on if you like your e-reader got my interest. I'm definitely a 'paper flipper' when it comes to calendars and books, but seeing so many people who love their e-readers, I figure I might be missing out on something.


So... Kindle, Nook, or something else? And why do you like the one you do?


Keep in mind that I know next to nothing about these, and just learned while reading the other thread that you can get internet on them and download from wherever. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Heather in AL
for spelling
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The other thread intrigued me too and DH is now *well* aware that a Kindle is on the wish list for Mother's Day :D I settled on the Kindle because I don't like the touch screen on the Nook. But the Nook definitely has some points in it's favor. . . the ability to add microSD cards and expand the memory, and it's both 3G and Wi-Fi enabled.


If you live near Barnes and Noble or Best Buy, they both have the Nook available so you can go in and play with it (Best Buy also carries Sony's reader).


ETA: B&N has a chart comparing the Nook and the Kindle side by side, which was helpful for me.

Edited by LemonPie
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I finally went for it and bought a Nook today! I can't wait until I can spend some time with it!


*giggle* We went opposite directions with this decision---- I allowed dh to buy me a Kindle for Mother's Day. I played with the Nook for quite a while and to be honest, it made my hand cramp when I held it so as not to get fingerprints all over it. I'm hoping the Kindle will be different.


We'll have to share thoughts/opinions after we've used them a while! :D


Hopefully, neither of us will have regrets! ;)

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I love my nook. If you go to the B&N site where the nook and the Kindle are compared side by side, you will see my reasons.


I appreciate that the updates to the nook are immediate and free (you don't have to buy the next version).

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