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How much time do you allot per subject in highschool?

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We took however long the lesson took, trying to go at a reasonable clip and following the curriculum. Some days were longer than others.


Are you doing Sonlight 100 in a semester? Why?


We did Omnibus--3 credits, and it took about 2-3 hours every day.

Apologia Bio usually took less than an hour, but there were days it was more, and I made him write out all the study guide questions and the questions in the text. Labs sometimes involved a little more time.


Latin took about 30 minutes, but we did Henle.


We did a little grammar--I had to actually teach this instead of doing discussions or "check-ins," so it was usually 45 minutes or so.

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I called Sonlight last year, they were telling me that I could take 2yrs to do Sonlight 120. So we have already done half of the course this year and will finish next year.

This works out great for us, because I want to do a geography course as well.


The reason I ask about time for each subject, we will be out of the house each day next year and that really throws things off for us. We will be homeschooling early mornings and late afternoons and car schooling mid morning and early afternoons.

This is really bothering me because ds will have a lot on him next year and I am not sure how this is going to work.

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Well, one thing that helped me was just to assign the lessons I felt we had to get thru, and then see how long they took. I then tweaked from there. So, instead of having a schedule with times on it, I just taught my part and then ds did the work in whatever time it took him to finish it. If it was too much, then I pulled back--too little, I added. It took us a while at the beginning of every year to find the flow.

I've always wanted to be more of a "we do this from 9-9:30, then we do this from 9:30-10:15" kinda person, but it worked much better to let things take whatever time they needed! After all, we have all the time we need to do God's will. :-)

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This year was such a mish/mash of semi-organized chaos, I've considered setting exact times for each subject next year. I'm thinking about 45 minutes per day in each subject. I'll probably organize a strict schedule and then allow for some flexibility.
:001_smile: That was us exactly--semi-organized chaos! Somehow dd has managed to pretty much keep up.


Next year, for 9th, we're doing MFW for Bible, History and English, and Biology 101 with extra reading and things for science. Both of those things have schedules laid out, so that will give us a good starting point on how long to take each day. As Chris said, it takes awhile to settle into a schedule that really seems to work.

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In my mind, each class is about an hour a day plus homework but the reality is not that simple! This year has worked out a bit like this -


German -5-6 hours per week

Math - 5-6 hours per week

Psychology - she finished this class more quickly than I expected but I think it averaged out to about 4 hours per week. So I am having her do an extra project in June to beef it up a bit!

History - 6-7 hours per week

English - 6-7 hours per week


These classes were all one credit. She also did a .5 credit class for Government and I have no idea how long it actually took her. And she spends about 2 hours per week on PE, another .5 credit course.

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My kids take however long it takes them to complete the work I require of them. In general they have 6 hours a day of school time. Some work only takes them a few minutes to do and other stuff takes them several hours to complete. I try to plan it out that whatever course is time consuming that day/week, the others are lighter. But I am mainly focus on their English, World History, Math, and Health. Anything else they do is up to them so I don't know how much they have completed in them.


Ds is doing English 10, World History, Algebra 2/Geometry, Health, Geology/Aerospace, Latin,

and Computers (at CC)


Dd is doing English 10, World History, Algebra 2, Health, Italian, and Music (private lessons and fundamentals)

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