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Need help planning math for the long haul - save me from losing my mind!!


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I have been tormenting myself :ack2: for months now on my math decision for next year and I would love to hear from those of you who are ahead of me. My son will be in 4th grade next year and I am thinking about going to Saxon from Abeka at this point (starting in the 5/4 book) and looking to use Saxon all the way through. I know from reading another post that many have strong opinions on Saxon and when I posted regarding this several months ago I was not specific in what I was looking for, but this is what I am now looking for specifically:


1) have any of you out there made the switch I am making? and if so, did it work why or why not.




2) If you are using Saxon - I would love specific feedback on how well you think it prepares them for future testing ie. PSAT (this is where I am getting nervous b/c I have read some posts that despite SWB's recs of this program people felt it did not prepare their kids properly)




3) If you are not using Saxon, what are you using/your plans for math from 4th on.


Any thougths would really help me sort this out. I am trying to do as much research on my own but I really need to take a :chillpill:! I am so worried I am going to make a bad decision and then not to be able to fix it later that I have completely lost my ability to make a decision. My husband sends his thanks ahead as I am sure I am driving him crazy over what is certainly not the most important decision in life. At this point he is going to send me to a 12 step program called Math Curriculum Junkies Anonymous;) Hopefully this will be the last time I post a math question for a long, long time.


Blessings and thanks for all who respond.

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I think my best piece of advice would be, settle into a math program and then stick with it.


Most programs will do a wonderful job covering all the important subjects and as long as your dc understand the math that's all that matters.


I think Saxon will be a good foundational course, but there are lots of great programs out there (as you know).

Consider your dc's learning style. Do they like pretty pictures, does that annoy them, do they learn well by listening, do they like clean black and white print, do they hate manipulatives?


See if you can answer any of these questions which might help you decide on a program. Also be prepared to put aside what you think is the "perfect program" because that might not fit with your child.

I loved Making Math Meaningful, but ds cried everytime I brought it out, so we switched to Math U See.

DD hated how plain MUS was so we switched to Bob Jones,and she loves it.

Remember, in homeschooling we can be flexible in what we choose to match our kids.


Don't worry about the "math-spaz", I use to have one at least once a year:willy_nilly:



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I am also planning to use Bob Jones all the way through. My reason for choosing it instead of Abeka is that it's a mastery style curriculum (each unit or chapter concentrates on a single topic, while you do review one other topic briefly each day). Saxon drives me batty. (I hate the identical lessons, the lack of color... you name it).

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I want to ditto the "stick with one all the way through" sentiments you've heard already. No matter what you pick, that will leave the least holes and prepare your dc the best.


I do use Saxon with all 4 of mine. My suggestion is to do all of the problems. You can skip the meeting with youngers (3rd and under) and just make sure the skills are taught. You can also skip the extra problems in the back and just do them when extra help is needed, but don't skip problems on a regular basis. This just doesn't work for Saxon like it does other programs. Their math is an incremental appoach (not spiral) and each problem is slightly different even when they appear on the surface to be the same. If you feel there are too many problems or too much repetition then switch programs. Reptition is Saxon's program. It will pay off. Remember 5/4 is a transition year and kiddos may or may not like it, but it will prepare you well for 6/5. My oldest hated 5/4, but is soaring through 6/5.

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I agree with everyone else: Choose a program and stick with it. Now, if that leaves you, as a curriculum junkie, feeling unfulfilled, feel free to supplement. But if Saxon works fairly well for you, just go with that.


We use BJUP as our spine (1st-4th, so far, and plan to stick with it indefinitely); but we've done many other things along the way: MUS (videos only, and excellent supplement!), tons of things for math fact review, Professor B (DVD only, another excellent supplement), Life of Fred (starting soon), and Borenson's pre-algebra program. All these extras we do lightly, sticking with our spine as our SPINE, if you know what I mean.


When curriculum shopping (hopping?) don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough. :)

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