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Dairy cow udder filling question

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Today I watched the parade of cows from the pasture to the barn. They are right across the street from us, so I just sit on my front porch with my binoculars. I use the binoculars so I can inspect the cows more closely.


Today, I noticed that most of the cows have very full udders -- some so full that they come close to dragging the ground. I am glad I am not a cow because it can't be comfortable walking with a full udder.


A couple of cows had what looked like empty udders. Okay, I get that.


But some of these cows looked like they had only a gallon of milk in their udders.


What would cause a partially filled udder? Note, there were no calves out there to drink the milk. These are huge Holsteins and I would recognize a calf if I saw one, even if it were kind of large because it would not be gigantic.


Thank you,


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Maybe some of them are milked and some aren't? I know nothing about cattle so that is just a guess. I have heard that different cows give different volumes so maybe that is it. Or could it be like humans that the size of the udder has little to do with milk capacity?

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Some cows let down their milk, filling the udder by just the thought that they are going to be milked shortly, other cows have to have their udder touched, by putting on the cups etc.) before this happens.

cows with udders almost hanging on the ground will be older cows who have had a few calves, younger cows udders haven't sagged as much.

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