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R&S vs. CLE LA??


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Trying to decide between the two. We're using SL for writing, but will still need grammar (don't like SL for this) spelling, and vocab. Which is more thorough and easier to use independently? This is for K, 5th, and 9th. Thanks.

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They're both thorough, however CLE is more independent. Most of the information is in the LU before the student does the work. There is not much to the TM (at least in the 2nd level LOL!). If you find a sample of the LU you'll notice how the introduction to the lessons work.


R&S is introduced by the teacher then the student does the work usually on a separate paper.


CLE is spiral and R&S is mastery.

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I don't think either one is great on vocabulary. They do use meanings in CLE's spelling words, but I wouldn't call it a full vocabulary program. That comes more in CLE's reading program.


R&S contains zero vocabulary and yes zero spelling. R&S's vocabulary comes more in it's reading program as well and it's spelling is separate, called Spelling by Sound and Structure. It's pretty strictly grammar with a few dictionary, thesaurus, and homonyms type things in there. CLE is all encompassing, spelling, grammar, writing, penmanship.

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I think they're both easy to use, independent and thorough. Though R&S doesn't really do kindy, but they have a simple set of workbooks to get them ready for first grade.


We use a lot of R&S and have more of it on the way for next year. My older kids don't need me for anything in their English and spelling books unless they're stuck or don't understand. The only time I introduce a lesson is when they're starting a sticky new concept in math, never in their language arts. :) There is plenty of easy to understand teaching and instructions right in the student book. The English books cover grammar and writing, very well. The spelling books do a fair amount of vocabulary, and add root study in 7th grade and up. Between those two books and SL's books you'd have language arts pretty well covered.

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R&S is introduced by the teacher then the student does the work usually on a separate paper.

Well, actually, the oral class time in the teacher's manual is completely optional. The authors specifically wrote the text such that a teacher in a one-room, multi-grade school--most of R&S's customers--can just say, "Fourth graders, turn to chapter 4 and do the first two assignments," and everything the dc need to know is right at their fingertips. IOW, R&S English texts can be done as independently as CLE, ACE, or AO, but you can add the warm fuzzy face time with the TM. :-)

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We love CLE LA but my son is an advanced speller so if you have a more than average speller , I'd recommend something else for spelling. CLE is too easy . We like SS . Your K might be ready for their Learn to read program , although I'd rather not spend so much money on it an use something like Phonics Pathways . For vocabulary nothing beats reading great books . Just my opinion of course.

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