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I just got my sonlight guide and I'm worried


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I have been so excited for years to do sonlight 5. I've used their book lists and other things through the years and now it's finally time!! But I just got the guide and it looks so strange. The reading is all chopped up - like 5 pages out of 5 different books every day. My daughter will never want to do that - she wants to read the whole book.

How do people deal with that? Is it not going to be the problem that I think it is? Or do I have to redo the schedule? I don't want to... I was really excited to just have a schedule that I could give her and say "do this":001_smile:


help me!!



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we don't find it to be a problem. However, if you don't like it broken up then do the schedule across...read all of the readings for one book on Mon, all the readings for the next book on Tues and so on.


We are in Core 2 now and often find the broken up stuff hard to stop, lol, but there are often correlations between it all if you do it as planned. Like the explanation of something in one book and another book have that same location or phrase just explained in another book.


But there is no reason you couldn't work across instead of down for each day...

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Some people like to follow the schedule horizontally rather than vertically. So if you have 4 or 5 resources divided up daily, read all from one resource Monday, then the 2nd resource Tuesday, etc. KWIM? I personally like having it chopped up more. My kids will pay attention longer, and the topics are more lined up. But I know many others who prefer it like you do. HTH!

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We use the guides horizontally instead of vertically for Sonlight and Winter Promise, too. We do all the reading for one week for one or more books in one day.


Example, in core 6 week 1, the Usborne Encyclopedia has you reading pages 104-105 Monday, 106-107 Tuesday, 108-109 Wednesday and so on. We read all the scheduled pages for the week on Monday. Then we will do the same thing with a different book the same way Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. If that makes any sense!



Edited by savmom
added one more thing
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We loved Core 5. There is quite a bit of reading in Core 5. We could not have done it horizontally because some books would be as many as 10 chapters of reading in a day if it were scheduled by 2 a day.


The first week about killed me so I would suggest that you try following it the way SL has it scheduled and then when you get accustomed to it try tweaking it if you need to. We dumped a couple of things from the core which lightened the load a tad.

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Guest Cindie2dds

We really enjoyed Sonlight's books, but their guide drove me batty. I didn't like reading a little bit of several different books every day. There are so many people out there that modify it. Core 5 is the one Core I have always drooled over. If you find a way to group the books to finish one after another, please share! :)

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We are just about to finish up core 5 for the year. We have enjoyed it! But it was very different from the other cores we have done. There is No way you can do all the reading for the week of one book in one day. My girls have eaten through the readers but some of the history books are a little heavy so it is easier to do it in a day by day schedule. We have been using Sonlight for 6 years and have enjoyed each one. I have to say with the other cores (I am also doing core K again with my little this time) I do all the reading for the week in each book and sometimes just finish it. The schedule is just a very lose guide for me.:D

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