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What supplements do you take on a regular basis?

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COuld you please list what you take, how much you take, why you take is and brand name if it is important.


I am currently taking:


B-Complex with Vit C, E and Zinc (basically a multivitamin without the A & D) - Stress Tab formula - one a day (to make sure I am getting a sufficient amount of the basics)

Vitamin D - D3 - 2000 mg 2X twice daily (for increased immunity)

Magnesium - 800 mg - 2X twice daily (I take such a large amount to help with muscle pain)

Culturell - Probiotic- 2X twice daily (Believe or not this has put a complete stop to yeast infections which I used to get once a month)

Fish Oil - Triple Strentgh - 900 Mg Omega 3 - 2X twice daily (to help with bi-polar and skin issues)


Is there anything else that I need to be taking? Am I missing anything important? I already take quite a bit a prescribed meds so I would like to keep my numbers down while cover the basics.



I am also think of putting my youngest on fish oil and vitamin D to help deal with her excema as well as an anti-histimine and perhaps and mild anti-inflamatory. ANy input of this?




I try to get all my calcium from diet and I am cautious about taking extra calcium based on the nurses study.

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NewChapter Wholemega 2X daily (recommended dosage)

Pure Essence Labs Life Essence The Master Multiple 4X daily (recommended dosage)

TriMedica Pure MSM 4x daily 1000mg each

Garden of Life Raw Calcium 5x daily (recommended dosage)

David Kirsch Super Charged Greens 1 packet daily or Amazing Grass

Garden of Life Raw Iron ocassionaly.


I take greens because I don't think I drink enough green smoothie, it's hard because I need a decent blender. Calcium because it is important, iron because I have had issues in the past, msm it is suppossed to have great benefits, and a quality multivitamin is a must.

Edited by MomLovesClassics
forgot to add why
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I take one packet daily of the following:


After a lot of research on ingredients, I decided this was an extensive list of all the best.

If I were to purchase all of this separately, it would be quite expensive. I take one packet daily so my cost is $25/month. I try to add Turmeric most of the time as well.

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COuld you please list what you take, how much you take, why you take is and brand name if it is important.


It can be. But more expensive is rarely better. Exceptions?: Jigsaw magnesium for folks who can't tolerate other mag supplements, Garden of Life Primal Defense




Vitamin D - D3 - 2000 mg 2X twice daily (for increased immunity)

Magnesium - 800 mg - 2X twice daily (I take such a large amount to help with muscle pain)

Culturell - Probiotic- .....

Fish Oil - Triple Strentgh......


2000 mg or 2000 IU vitamin D? 2000 mg = 2,000,000 mcg vitamin D = 80,000,000 IU vitamin D:)


You may want to consider upping your D to a dose of 1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight *except* on days that you get midday summer sun exposure, in a bathing suit, without sunscreen, until just before a burn would occur (then s/s can be applied). Remember that any sunscreen blocks D production, clothes block D production, windows block D production, shade and clouds block D production.


Like calcium, magnesium doesn't absorb well in larger amounts. It's better to take 300-400 mg 4x per day than 800 mg 2x per day. You're likely absorbing only about 240 mg with each 800 mg dose.


Is there anything else that I need to be taking? Am I missing anything important?


At the bottom (or in the next post if this is too long, is a document I wrote up detailing what's been successful for me. It's based on the work for Pfeiffer, Hoffer and Matthews-Larson.[/url]





Anyone not getting sun exposure per the aforementioned guidelines, needs oral D and a lot of it. More Vitamin D information.


My excema went away when I went gluten free but fwiw even though I cheat now, it stays gone....I think it's the D. Knowing what I know about D and immune function, it makes sense.




And those getting sufficient magnesium, D, zinc, K, boron etc don't need as much calcium anyway.....but if you need to take a little additional calcium, I woudln't worry about it.





True, but spending money on expensive raw or 'whole foods'/'food based' supplements generally isn't worth it. They're always made with lab made vitamins that are then simply fed to a single celled organism - for example, a yeast which digests it, then the whole slop is spray dried and formed into a vitamin.


The same effect can be had for a fraction of the price by taking a well formulated multi (optimal forms of vites and minerals) and eating it with a meal. Dealing with digestive/assimilation issues as necessary like taking digestive enzymes, probiotics etc



My concerns about that supplement:

~evidence indicating that signifcant beta carotene supplementation may be unwise. This supplies 12,500 IU beta carotene (1/2 dose, which you're taking) or 25,000 IU beta carotene from the full dose


~concerns about high dose E supplemention - for which this qualifies at 400 IU daily (1/2 dose...1 pack) or 800 IU (full dose, 2 packs)


~not enough zinc - At the half dose you're taking, it's supplying only 7.5 mg zinc citrate (non-optimal form) and zinc is commonly insufficient in many diets. It contains no iron - which is good or problematic depending on dietary iron intake, ferritin levels etc. Zinc gluconate and zinc monomethionene (chelated zinc) are significantly better absorbed and utilized forms of zinc.


For $25 (half dose - ie one pack), it's supplying too much of the some things and not enough of the things that are commmonly needed (zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium)


Taking something like Natrol My Favorite Multiple ($4.50 per month), plus sufficient calcium or magnesium (as needed on an individual basis) would cost you about $12 a month rather than $25.


The antioxidant foods are in amounts that are essentially 'window dressing' at the half dose level anyway.....



I find tumeric to be very helpful for inflammation. 1/4 tsp directly on my tongue, swallowed down with water does the trick and is incredibly cheap.


Since my post is too long with the additional Anxiety/Depression info, I'll post it separately.




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Here is my Depression and Anxiety info for the OP

Depression and Anxiety - Orthmolecular Treatment


❒ My experiences using vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids

to treat depression and anxiety are for informational purposes only. It may or may not be right for you. Consider consulting an orthomolecular physician, a health care provider you trust, or an experienced holistic nutritionist.


❒ more is NOT better. The right amount is what your body needs....taking more to hopefully see more improvement is generally not helpful and can occasionally be quite dangerous.



❒ Please purchase the book Depression-Free, Naturally by Joan Matthews Larson.

without the book, it's impossible to know if what's listed below is right for *you*

Website for her center, the Health Recovery Center.


❒ iherb.com is my 'go-to' for just about all supplements. I occasionally purchase from luckyvitamin.com if iherb is out of something.


❒ prices are *always* the best overall at iherb because an additional 10%-20%

is taken off the total at the last step of checkout. I have no connection to iherb and receive absolutely no financial incentive for recommending them. This is simply my personal feeling having ordered from just about all of the major supplement providers over the years.



DAILY vitamins, minerals, amino acids and EFAs



vitamin b6

➝ one per day with a meal (usually breakfast or lunch)

Natural Factors, B6 Pyridoxine HCl, 100 mg, 90 Tablets

iherb.com: $5.09 msrp: $8.49 (40% Off)


pyridoxal 5 phosphate - coenzymated form of vitamin b6

➝ one per day with a meal (usually breakfast or lunch)

Solgar, P-5-P, 50 mg, 100 Tablets

iherb.com: $15.98 msrp: $19.98 (20% Off)

zinc, sufficient b6, GLA are also critical for pyroluria which, while controversial, may be the root cause of some forms of anxiety.



5-methyltetrahydrafolate is the circulating form of folic acid

ie 'active' or 'coenzymated' form of folic acid/ b9 form of folic acid (b9)

➝ one per day with a meal (usually breakfast or lunch)

journal articles relating to 5-mthf and dysthymia/depression

Metagenics, FolaPro, 120 Tablets iherb.com $32.25



zinc (chelated and without copper)

one per day in the middle of a large meal

incombination with sufficient p5p and GLA, zinc has been very effective in treating

what I believe is pyroluria (controversial diagnosis)

➝ whether or not pyroluria exists, it's clear that for whatever genetic reason,

some simply have greater zinc needs than others

Now Foods, L-OptiZinc, 30 mg, 100 Capsules iherb: $5.38 msrp: $7.99 (32% Off)



magnesium (time-release form of Albion's dimagnesium malate)


two per day am and pm, with or without food = 500 mg dimagnesium malate

Jigsaw Magnesium w/ Sustained Release Technology

approximately $15/month depending on how many bottles are purchased

I can't tolerate magnesium citrate but would take it if I could - it's MUCH cheaper

If you are currently being taking blood pressure medicine (incl spiro) or are

being treated for high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney dysfunction, or

diabetes, please consult your healthcare professional about the safe use of

magnesium, especially when used in combination with other medications to

treat these conditions. Magnesium toxicity can occur in those with kidney

dysfunction, so please speak to your healthcare professional before supplementing

with magnesium.




➝ take on empty stomach: one 400 mg tablet 30 min prior to breakfast

➝ take on empty stomach: one 400 mg tablet at least 2h after breakfast/snack

and at least 30 min prior to lunch (setting timers helps)

➝ can increase or theoretically trigger manic episodes in those with bipolar disorder

➝ for me it's like a mood stabilizer; SAMe evidence

Doctor's Best, Double-Strength SAM-e 400, 30 Enteric Coated Tablets iherb.com: $19.80 msrp: $39.99 (50% Off)




➝ an amino acid

➝ 1 am with breakfast, 1 pm (with or without food)

➝ in combo with magnesium, it has stopped my heart palpitations, racing and arrythmia

➝ the magnesium, taurine and potassium allow me to take stimulant meds and

SAMe without heart related side effects....without the Mg, K and Taurine, I

can't tolerate the stimulants

Now Foods, Taurine, 1000 mg, 100 Capsules

iherb.com: $7.00 msrp: $11.99 (41% Off)





vitamin d-3 (cholecalciferol)

1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight *per day* seems to be needed by most people

to maintain 25(OH)D levels in the middle of reference range

with food...all at one time is fine

if possible, test 25(OH) D 2-3x per year via LabCorp or ZRT.

Nature's Answer, Vitamin D-3 Drops, 15 ml iherb.com: $9.17 msrp:$17.95 (48% Off)




fish oil

➝ 3 per day is my current dose...used to take 1 per 10 lbs body weight

➝ all at once or spread out; with or without food; am or pm

➝ experiment to find the dosing and timing that works for you

Now Foods, DHA-500, 500 DHA / 250 EPA, 180 Softgels

$28.68 $44.99 (36% Off)


USED to take daily - still take occasionally, as needed, for transient mood issues

JRW-01016-s.jpg Jarrow Formulas, Inositol, 8 oz (227 g)

$16.17 $26.95 (40% Off)

➝ i take as needed when anxious....1/2 tsp 3-6x per day

➝ study doses are very high - up to 18g per day of the powder

➝ extremely extremely safe - even during pregnancy

➝ very inexpensive and likely very helpful for some depression/anxiety

➝ considered a b vitamin




you must learn more before taking it to insure that it's what *your* body needs

must be taken on an empty stomach; at least 2h after and/or 30min before food

take with juice

cannot be taken with medications that increase seratonin (SSRI's and other meds)

Source Naturals, L-Tryptophan, 500 mg, 120 Tablets

$23.87 $38.50 (38% Off)



phospholipids - lecithin, neptune krill



Health Library Depression

Health Library Anxiety

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Vitamin D Dosing and Levels

***Keep in mind the issues with Quest's 25(OH)D test - at this point in time, it still appears that we need to divide their results by 1.3 to obtain results normed to the gold standard. (see vitamindcouncil.org, grassrootshealth.net for info)


What should my vitamin D level be?


❍ 32 ng/mL (80 nmoL) is the bottom of the current reference range.

Still leaves us in a state of substrate starvation.


40 ng/mL (100 nmoL) the minimum recommended by currently by

any reputable D researcher (see grassrootshealth.net).


50 ng/mL (125 nmoL) is the point at which we have sufficient substrate

for managing calcium levels and have additional to use for other necessary

physiological functions (300+ other functions in our bodies)


60-65 ng/mL (150-162.5 nmoL) is reasonable number for which to aim.

It's the 'middle of the current reference range for the major US labs. European

and canadian labs are behind the times on this one and are still generally using

a much lower range.


80 ng/mL (200 nmoL) is a target number for some researchers and is still

within the range of a physiological range of what we could achieve from sun -

ie a physiologically appropriate level.

100 ng/mL (250 nmoL) is a typical serum level of 25(OH)D obtained by

lifeguards, from sun only, implying that this is a very physiologically normal -

possibly optimal? - number for which to aim.


200 ng/mL (500 nmoL) is the lowest blood level of 25(OH)D at which there

has been documented D toxicity. There has never been a case reported at levels

lower than that.



☑ 10,000 IU-50,000 IU vitamin D3 is produced in the skin upon full body exposure

to sunlight......with the average of the studies being about 20,000 IU.


Don't be afraid to take as much D3 as is required to raise your serum 25(OH)D to

50-100 ng/mL. There is a 25-50% variation in serum vitamin d levels at 'x' amount

of supplementation rate due to genetic variations in vitamin d binding protein.


1000 IU (25 mcg) per 25 lbs body weight per day is a very reasonable dose of

D3 for someone who

→ works indoors midday

wears clothes midday

avoids sun midday

wears any sunscreen midday



Early AM and later afternoon sun exposure on face, hands and arms is not sufficient

to raise vitamin D levels or maintain optimal vitamin D levels.


Fall, Winter and Spring sun exposure is not generally sufficient to raise viamin D levels

or to maintain optimal D levels.


A tan does not necessarily indicate sufficient vitamin D levels. It's easy to tan from UVA

without getting sufficient UVB to raise D levels.


A person (tan or not) who's been getting



summer exposure

on most body skin


to the point just before a burn occurs, may have optimal D levels during the summer.



The Vitamin D Council (vitamindcouncil.org) has all of the D research, reference cites

and links to peer reviewed journal articles that you'd ever want to read, plus several thousand extra;)


Grassrootshealth.org has a tremendous amount of good information as well.


Stanford and other major D research centers have podcasts in iTunes that are excellent resources.

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I prefer superfoods to isolated vitamins/minerals, but still take vitamins/ minerals at times.



1 tbs bee pollen.

10 grams of spirulina (20 tablets)

1 tsp wheat grass powder stirred into a fresh juice


homeopathic iron

MSM powder http://www.mfcd.net/depot/downloads/msm.pdf

goji berries http://www.benefitsofgojiberries.com/

maca powder- 1 tbs or so http://www.raw-chocolate.net/superfoods.php?ancient-superfood=maca


I also like to consume plenty of (guilt free, highly nutritional) raw cacao powder in the form of my own raw home made chocolate, or I put it in smoothies. http://www.raw-chocolate.net/raw-chocolate.php


Along with vegetable juices and smoothies with LOTS of greens, and daily salads, I feel that I am probably covering most of my bases nutritionally.


If I am sick, or for certain periods of time when I feel susceptible to viruses, I wll take echinacea and astragalus, and camu camu berry powder (high in Vit C).


I have a lot of other vitamins and minerals in my cupboard but tend to only take them for short periods now and then. Magnesium is something I will take for a while if I am feeling stressed, or getting cramps or tight muscles. And zinc is another mineral I take sometimes.

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2000 mg or 2000 IU vitamin D? 2000 mg = 2,000,000 mcg vitamin D = 80,000,000 IU vitamin D:)


You may want to consider upping your D to a dose of 1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight *except* on days that you get midday summer sun exposure, in a bathing suit, without sunscreen, until just before a burn would occur (then s/s can be applied). Remember that any sunscreen blocks D production, clothes block D production, windows block D production, shade and clouds block D production.


Ooops! 2000 I.U. twice daily. I don't even go outside if I can help it.


Like calcium, magnesium doesn't absorb well in larger amounts. It's better to take 300-400 mg 4x per day than 800 mg 2x per day. You're likely absorbing only about 240 mg with each 800 mg dose.


I remember that. I do take magnesium citrate or absorbate to help with absorbtion and I try to break up my dosages during the day when I can. I can actually tell when magnesium is off so I am pretty comfortable with this one.


My excema went away when I went gluten free but fwiw even though I cheat now, it stays gone....I think it's the D. Knowing what I know about D and immune function, it makes sense.


My dd does have problems with dairy but I have never considered gluten. It is hard enough to keep her off dairy I wouldn't even want to attempt going gluten free. :svengo:


Thanks for your reply.

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I own this book and I am either taking everything you mentioned or I have tried it and had to stop taking it due to side effects. I especially have problems with amnio acids and SAMe. I also use that website for items I don't get locally. I just like to reevaluate every now and then and make sure I staying abreast of the latest health info. Thanks for your replies though, they were very helpful. :)

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Ooops! 2000 I.U. twice daily. I don't even go outside if I can help it.


LOL - me neither. I don't like being too hot, to cold. Don't like getting sand under my fingernails blah blah blah. I'm nicer indoors :D


It's taken 6,000 IU D daily for six mos to get my D levels into the 60's. Consider testing and/or upping your D intake. 1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight isn't too much for indoor peeps like us....and it *really* could help with energy and mood stability.





My dd does have problems with dairy but I have never considered gluten. It is hard enough to keep her off dairy I wouldn't even want to attempt going gluten free. :svengo:



Yup. Interestingly, my littlest one (8.5 and a whopping 43 lbs) is now able to eat dairy and gluten without triggering her previously horrible eczema. Hmmmmm.


I own this book and I am either taking everything you mentioned or I have tried it and had to stop taking it due to side effects. I especially have problems with amnio acids and SAMe.


;/ My stomach didn't like SAMe but since my brain did, I kept going;p I was wiling to push through only because I knew it wasn't causing stomach damage like say, motrin would - eventually, it became tolerable.


I also had problems with tryptophan for awhile if I didn't take it with enough juice.....


Sounds like you're doing so much 'right'. Wishing for you some relief right around the corner.


krispin.com is also very helpful/informative.


Best to you,


Edited by cillakat
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It's from my links below (all iherb.com....and no affiliation/financial kickbacks for me....I just like them)


The MFM Take One is $9.51 for 60 days (see below) there are additional discounts at checkout depending on your total order (6 or 8% standard, 10% at $120, 14% at $240...something like that) so that brings it to about $4.50/month...less actually.




NTL-00426-s.jpgNatrol, My Favorite Multiple, Take One Multivitamin, 60 Tablets

iherb: $9.51 (60 day supply) msrp: $18.49 (48% Off)

• $4.50ish per month ($9ish for 60 days) from iherb.com

• great broad spectrum high potency mult

• contains Ferrochel, the best form of iron found in multis or iron supplements



best absorbed


doesn't build up to dangerous levels - ever.

• this particular Natrol is my preference not only because of the Ferrochel

for the iron but also the optimal forms of the b vites and other minerals.

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It's from my links below (all iherb.com....and no affiliation/financial kickbacks for me....I just like them)


The MFM Take One is $9.51 for 60 days (see below) there are additional discounts at checkout depending on your total order (6 or 8% standard, 10% at $120, 14% at $240...something like that) so that brings it to about $4.50/month...less actually.




NTL-00426-s.jpgNatrol, My Favorite Multiple, Take One Multivitamin, 60 Tablets

iherb: $9.51 (60 day supply) msrp: $18.49 (48% Off)

• $4.50ish per month ($9ish for 60 days) from iherb.com

• great broad spectrum high potency mult

• contains Ferrochel, the best form of iron found in multis or iron supplements


best absorbed


doesn't build up to dangerous levels - ever.

• this particular Natrol is my preference not only because of the Ferrochel

for the iron but also the optimal forms of the b vites and other minerals.



ok.....thanks! I was looking at this one





I didn't realize they had a Take One only. :001_smile: Do you think the one I was looking at is overkill?

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ok.....thanks! I was looking at this one





I didn't realize they had a Take One only. :001_smile: Do you think the one I was looking at is overkill?


the reason that one has four pills per day is simply the calcium. it has 1000 mg calcium and iirc, 400 mg magnesium. That is too much for those eating dairy. The take one just offers more flexiblity in dosing magnesium separately - and calcium only if needed.


and that particular one doesn't have iron, which most premenopausal women will need as well as male and female teens (from puberty on). Men typically shouldn't have iron containing supplements nor should post menopausal women.


Both the 'Take One' version and the Original (4 per day) come in iron and iron free versions.




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I take the following:


General multivitamin, 2 per day

General multi-mineral, 2 per day

Calcium with magnesium and vitamin D, 2 per day

Vitamin D 2000 IU, 1 per day


The multivite and multi-mineral supplements are due to the fact that my body does not absorb minerals well at ALL. I will get odd twitches, more migraines, more stomach issues, etc., if I do not take them. The calcium/mag/D is because I am female and both my mother and maternal grandmother have osteoporosis. I am doomed if I don't take care of that one now (and yes, I do drink milk and eat my broccoli!). The vitamin D takes care of a whole host of problems for me, from fatigue to acne. My levels were horribly low when I went in a year ago. I'm still working on getting them up to normal even WITH the 2000 IU daily. Crazy stuff.

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the reason that one has four pills per day is simply the calcium. it has 1000 mg calcium and iirc, 400 mg magnesium. That is too much for those eating dairy. The take one just offers more flexiblity in dosing magnesium separately - and calcium only if needed.


and that particular one doesn't have iron, which most premenopausal women will need




That is very good to know! Thank you for answering my questions and helping me decide.



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