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What do you WANT in a Bible Study?

Pam B

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I'm thinking of putting together a Bible Study. I want to make it versatile for families with several age groups, as well as families with an only child.

What are your thoughts as far as what you would want included? Are coloring pages and activities important.. etc.?

I've been thinking about this for a long time. I'm just tired of trying to find a great, easy to use study that is actually fun and older kids can do on their own.

Thanks for your input.

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I would like something that is through and in-depth but still interesting for my littles. Activity pages are great too, with coloring pages and maybe a few crafts thrown in to go with some of the lessons.



Oh and having a KJV version or a having it work with any version of the Bible.

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I would like something that is through and in-depth but still interesting for my littles. Activity pages are great too, with coloring pages and maybe a few crafts thrown in to go with some of the lessons.



Oh and having a KJV version or a having it work with any version of the Bible.



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I want something that uses observation, interpretation and application. Not fill in the blanks or crossword puzzles - especially when the blanks simply involve regurgitation. Adding in tidbits about the original languages, word studies, key words, cross references, etc. But graded, so that littles would just have the main idea, while the parent and older students could go deeper. Memory verses would be nice as well.


A group discussion guide for the family, perhaps with a "workbook" for older students to prepare before the lesson. Coloring pages and short copywork for little ones while I'm dreaming.


I'm not a KJV person, but I like the idea of it being version neutral. I also like the activity / craft ideas (perhaps skit ideas, pictures to put into sequence, etc.)

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Okay in an ideal world my Bible study curriculum would be set up much like Tapestry of Grace :) All kids working together, but with different stuff for different age groups, teaching them in line with their developmental stage. It would have Bible reading, memorization, not just one liners either, but long passages, in depth digging for olders that would include looking up original language words, cross references, etc. It would have detailed teacher's notes as well :) It also would go through the Bible from beginning to end. It would require olders to explore what the Lord is teaching them through the verses they're reading as opposed to just learning the stories and basic theology but encouraging them to look for what the Lord is trying to show them. It also would have other books listed like Illustrated Bibles and DK books to be able to show pictures and illustrations for younger ones. It would include Bible atlas work when appropriate, and book suggestions for Bible geography to coincide with what we're reading. Basically it would be Bible set up just like TOG:)

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Something that is Bible focused without a lot of doctrinal spin. Not everyone subscribes to the same theories regarding the Godhead, Plan for Salvation, etc. It's nice to use a Bible study that only teaches a lesson based on Scripture and leaves the indoctrination to the parents and Sunday School of the family's chosen faith.


I hope that makes sense.

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I would love something that goes through the bible with all the important stories/concepts covered. Revolutionary Parenting has a (well researched) list of the scriptures that most parents who raised spiritually active adults said were the most important. Those would be my dream things covered along with other stories and concepts of course. Sort of walk through the bible form. I think suggesting picture story bibles that also cover the scriptures being covered along with the scripture that can be used directly from the version preferred would be my desire. You could have different story bible suggestions for various age groups (and the scripture too for those of us who do both or those opposed to story bibles) for each lesson.


So you would have the story, music if possible (lots of great CD's out there), scripture memory (suggested by age group perhaps) with activity, and some idea (craft, experiment, discussion, journaling suggestion etc.) to make it come alive for various age groups. Family prayer is so important too of course. For olders family and individual devotional suggestions might be nice. I think it would be hard to do a curriculum that covers old and very young kids all in one shot though.


This would be my dream bible curriculum and when you make something anything like it please let me know!

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