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what does CHOW stand for? I can't find it anywhere!


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but it's easier reading for the young kids?


I need maybe more of an informational book - I'm looking for something for my 1st/2nd grader and 4th grader to read. Something like SOTW or UILEWH. Would MOH then be a better route to go?

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You may want to use MOH with your 1,2and 4th grader. CHOW is written for 4th graders and even then I found myself reading much of it aloud anyways.

Your 4th grader would get much more out of CHOW then your 1st and 2nd graders.

MOH is written for those who have multiple age levels to teach. I saw a family once at our end of the year program present it and she had young ones and I was impressed with the things they all knew, even the 4 yr old.

To me CHOW makes a great read aloud , and I even enjoyed reading it because I learned quite a bit about world history that I didn't know before. Its one book that I did keep.

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I second the read aloud reco for CHOW. My dd 7 is an advanced reader, and it would be difficult for her (it isn't as much the vocabulary as needing to explain things to her). It is more advanced reading than SOTW I think.


MOH is written for older elementary too, from what I have seen (I have not used it). It isn't meant for 1st & second graders as independent reading from my understanding. I am thinking its really geared to later elementary overall as a curriculum.


I can't think of any overall world history volumes that would be good for 1st & 2nd grade as independent reading; seems like they are all written to be read aloud to them. There are a lot of individual readers that I've seen, however.

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If your wanting independent reading for 1st/2nd grade on History topics you can get the I Can Read books, the Step Into Reading books (which you can find at Barnes and Nobel or Borders books stores) . They have many topics on history..

I know we have Titanic Lost and Found , Johnny Appleseed, Abe Lincoln and more (http://www.randomhouse.com/kids/books/step/books/books_step3/)

These are great for younger children who are reading and you want them to independently read.

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